19th September 2024
Principal News
Lord, give us new strength so that we can build places of belonging:
To create a community for all to share their gifts,
To know that each of us is loved,
To help us to see the light of Christ in all that we serve.
Let us remember that each of us is loved, each of us is willed and each of us is necessary.
May we balance mercy and justice so that we can achieve equity and access for all Your children.
We do this in your name. AMEN (Andrew M Greeley)
Dear Parents and Carers,
My prayer this week is about belonging and building an inclusive community! Last night we all witnessed that inclusivity in action! What a wonderful performance by all our early learners last night at the Weston Civic Centre. Our original production of "In the Zone" was a true masterpiece and no doubt those in the audience were as proud as this principal watching on. I had tears of joy watching so many of our students "shine"! I was a bit concerned last week as our practices were in need of some support - but wow, on the night your children sparkled as they each spoke their lines into the microphones, sang, danced and shared all the drama skills that they have been learning! They truly are so amazing! I am so incredibly thrilled that the children really did enjoy being on stage and with such a big audience (our sincere thanks for coming along to support your child/children and encourage them to be the best that they can be!) From where I stood, I saw so many family members all smiling their encouragement, which was just beautiful to witness! Of course the true shine was from that stage! Following on from public speaking and now performing on stage, watch out parents, your children are now "extra" confident!
Our sincere thanks again to the ASPIRE team of Anna Kerrigan (Director) who workshopped the whole performance using the children's ideas; Jess Lopez (Director of Music) who magically created such catchy tunes again using lyrics and words form our students; Lauren Harvey (Director of Dance) who workshopped the drama pieces and created such a seamless transition between the acts; Lara Crockett (Director of Costume design and props) who helped paint and design the amazing costumes and to Sophie, who is a trainee with the team! The creative talent of this team is like a true Superpower!!!
Thank you to all our teachers and staff for their dedication and incredible generosity to create the costumes to save our busy parents. Special thanks to our amazing Learning Support Staff: Mrs Leah Shakespeare; Mrs Amanda Focic and Mrs Lisa Bolam who worked tirelessly all term! Thank you also to Mrs Amanda Barrass our new Pastoral Care Worker who approached local businesses and they were so generous to donate prizes for our raffle. We encourage families to support our local businesses.
A huge thank you to: Abermain Hotel
Abermain Bowling Club
Heddon Greta Drive Inn
Raymond Terrace Cinemas
Alyce's Hair Design
Wardrobe Envy
Next week we will release some photos of the showcase for you to view. Again...WOW! What great kids you all have!
Thank you also to all our families for their assistance to pack up the hall last night! As one family member said this morning that "we worked so well together as a community" and I think that is gold! We were packed up so quickly.
Pilgrimage to Ireland
Next week I am heading overseas with some fellow pilgrims from across the diocese to undertake a two week pilgrimage to Ireland. I am feeling very blessed to have this opportunity. Whilst there we will be having daily mass as we visit several special places that are linked to Catherine McAuley, the founder of The Sisters of Mercy who lived and established the convent in Ireland. In our diocese we have several schools that were established by The Sisters of Mercy, especially St Catherine's Catholic College at Singleton which was established in 1875. The Sisters also established hospitals and aged care facilities and are now titled Mercy Care.
Whilst on leave, Mrs Rebecca Kearns will be Acting Principal and I am appreciative that she will undertake this role and I will return on 28th October.
End of Term
As we approach our final week of term 3, just a reminder to please foster a good bedtime routine for your children as they will become even more tired next week. We also ask that parents please remain mindful of the contents of your child's lunch box as "junk food" or "sometimes food" really is to be discouraged from being packed to eat on a school day. It is not healthy food; it has no nutritional value; the sugar content or salt content is not good for your child. We see the results of "sugar highs" at school with some interesting behaviour and truly, this can be avoided by packing healthy food options. Thank you in advance for attending to this.
Classroom Upgrades
During Term 4 three of our classrooms will undergo an upgrade with the current autex on the walls being swapped out for new autex. This will occur in KW, KB and 1W. We will also recarpet 1W as it is the last classroom in need of new carpet.
Transition to Kinder 2025 Visits
We look ahead to welcoming our 2025 Kinder students on the following dates:
Session 1: Tuesday 22nd October 2024 9.30-10.30am
Session 2: Tuesday 29th October 2024 9.30-10.30am
Session 3: Tuesday 5th November 2024 9.30-10.30am
Session 4: Tuesday 19th November 9.30am -11am *All children must have parent/carer at this session please
We do ask that children wear their Holy Spirit T shirt please; bring a hat and a water bottle and also some fruit for 'Crunch and Sip". We look forward to welcoming all our new students on these days! Our current kinder classes will spend time with their Year 2 buddies on each of these visit days.
Transition to Year 3 at Kurri Visits
When we receive the transition date/s for Kurri next term for our Year 2 students moving over to Year 3, we will inform you. There is always an opportunity for additional visits for your child as you feel they may need them.
Mass at St Francis Xavier Church this Sunday
An invitation is extended to all our families to come along to celebrate mass together with our Parish community on Sunday at 4.30pm. Bishop Michael will be presiding. Thank you to those families who have offered to come along. We have practiced the singing today - we just need you to bring your child/children along so we can share this eucharist together.
Take care everyone,
God Bless
Diane Murphy
Sharing Our Faith
Term 3 Family Mass- Change of Date
Our Term 3 Family Mass has been postponed to this Sunday 22nd September at 4.30pm. We welcome Bishop Michael Kennedy who will be presiding at this mass.
Your child would have brought home an invitation earlier in the week. Please RSVP to the office by Friday 20th September. It is a chance for students to proudly sing familiar songs and meet our Bishop.
Following Mass there will be light refreshments and a chance to chat with the community.
Mini Vinnies
Our Mini Vinnies team have been meeting each Thursday during lunch time. The team have been busy looking after our thriving herbs and flowers and tidying up garden beds at the front of our school. As Catholics, we are responsible for taking care of the world we live in and for sharing all the wonders and resources the earth gives us. Last week our team helped Mrs Barrass & Mrs Edwards set up provocations in the hall for Kinder playgroup. Our Mini Vinnies team are setting an exceptional example for our school!
Socktober Launch at McDonald Jones Stadium
On Tuesday, our school leaders and selected Year 2 Mini Vinnies members attended the launch of Socktober. Our students participated in prayer and soccer-based activities. Thank you to Mrs Thompson and Mrs Watson for helping with transport!!
When we returned back to school, we spent time reflecting on the day. Here’s what they had to say.
Charlotte- There was a craft station set up and I really enjoyed making a key chain.
Amelia- I really enjoyed the soccer activities, there was a lot of running and kicking.
Brayton- It was all about soccer because we were at the launch of Socktober. It was great!
Harper C- High school students from St Bedes led the activities, we kicked the ball and had a chance to shoot goals.
Macy- Rotating through all of the activities was fun. The prayer and learning about Mongolia through the video was interesting.
Jedd- I had a special job to collect a bag for our school. It has lots of information about Socktober inside.
Myla- Aspire sung the songs and they were awesome! I enjoyed singing along.
Piper- I love how everyone tried their best and we had lots of fun.
Kade- It was such a fun day, and I really enjoyed all the soccer activities.
Vinnie- It was really cool to be at the Knights stadium.
Archer- Spending the day with our friends was great and now we have to think about how we can celebrate Socktober at our school.
Socktober Launch - McDonalds Jones Stadium
In Australia, October marks World Mission Month, a celebration of the global work of the Church and the dedication of Missionaries. This year, the theme is ‘Go and Invite Everyone to the Banquet’ (Mt 22:9), we are all invited to join the journey and to become actors of change.
On Thursday 24th October, students are encouraged to wear crazy socks for a gold coin donation as we raise money for the people of Mongolia.
Library News
Lower Hunter Public Speaking
Our school has had the skills of Public Speaking as a focus this term. Every child has been involved in learning to prepare and deliver a speech on a given topic using the skills of:
- Eye contact
- Clear voice
- Confident stance
- Use of palm cards (Our Kinders use them with pictures drawn on them)
- Speaking on the topic
As you are aware we held our school based Public Speaking event recently and we were proudly able to announce Myla Cussen as the Stage 1 representative who went on to participate in the Lower Hunter Regional Public Speaking Competition. Congratulations again Myla! Well done!
Here is Myla's account of the experience:
On Thursday, 19th September, 2024, I went to St Aloysius at Chisholm to participate in the Stage 1 Public Speaking Finals.
I wrote a speech about my favourite season.
My favourite season is Spring because it's my birthday, flowers bloom and animals have their babies.
It was a fun day!
Myla C
AWARDS: Term 3, Week 8
AWARDS: Term 3, Week 9
School Choir Performance
Our school has proudly entered a choir to perform in this Diocesan event called Celebrate. The rehearsal day is at the Civic Theatre in Newcastle at 11.00 am on 5th November. Parents of children in the choir will be notified to provide permission via Compass. The final performance is at 6:00pm on 5th November. Tickets need to be purchased directly through the Civic Theatre website.
Dates for your Diary
Community News
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