8th August 2024
Principal News
God of compassion, God of all people, we praise you for your servant, Mary MacKillop, who gave her life to serve you in the poor and oppressed.
As she is honoured in our world, may we continue to learn to share her vision.
Help us to recognise, as she did, that the poor of our time will hear the gospel in the way we serve them. Be with us as we strive to follow her and carry out our mission of service and care. Amen
Dear Parents and Carers,
Thursday 8th August is the Feast of St Mary of the Cross Mackillop, Australia's first Saint. Mary founded the order of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart, known as the Josephite Sisters. Many of the schools in our diocese have links to the Josephite Order including Holy Spirit Schools. St Mary of the Cross is a Saint for our time having lived her life in service to God, her commitment to help the poor and to educate young children so that they could have a better future. Mary's vision lives on in many of our Catholic schools today, including Holy Spirit which was at one time called "St Joseph's".
The Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart continue God's mission by immersing themselves in the midst of life to empower others and bring hope. Today our Year 1 classes prepared a beautiful liturgy to honour Australia's first saint. Our thanks to Fr James and to all the parents who came along to pray with us and to the children for their efforts with reading and joyful singing. Thank you to Mrs. Edwards (Acting REC) and to Miss Elias and Mrs. Elbourne for preparing the children for the reverent celebration. May we all strive to follow our God and carry out our mission to serve others with care and compassion.
Student Leaders Morning Tea at Cessnock
It was my absolute pleasure to accompany our Student Leaders at the "Student Leaders Morning Tea" hosted by Cessnock City Council last week. The event was well attended by the school leaders of most primary and high schools in the area. The keynote speaker was Sarah Rowan, and she was a speed painter. Her address was about encouraging the students to never give up in the face of adversity and to be themselves. As Sarah shared a story with the audience, she managed to create an image of a goanna representative of the Cessnock area of course. Our leaders Vivian, Myla, Piper, Kade, Jedd and Vinnie represented our school very well and they enjoyed the morning tea afterwards. This was a valuable community event which we always try to attend. Thanks to Mrs. Shakespeare for transport as well.
Year 1 Phonics Screening Check
Our Year 1 teachers are undertaking training this week to be able to implement the Year 1 Phonics Screening Test in coming weeks. Each student in Year 1 will undertake the check and this valuable data will assist teachers to map where students are in their learning and where to next to provide the necessary support. The check takes about 5 minutes per student and is an oral rather than a written check. If you have any questions, please contact Miss Elias or Mrs. Elbourne.
A Uniform Committee
We are currently in the initial stages of exploring an additional summer uniform option for girls of shorts and a monogrammed short sleeved shirt K-6. This item would be in addition to the tunic uniform we have currently. A student could wear either uniform. It would allow girls to have the opportunity to wear shorts to school rather than a tunic and research is evident that clothing that enables active play is most beneficial. My initial meeting is with Flannagan's next week and with Mrs. Waters representing Kurri 3-6 school. This is in response to a suggestion at the PEG meeting last term that this option be explored.
Once we have a concept ready to share, we will be looking for interested parents to form a Uniform Committee and then move forward once the additional items are agreed upon to the bigger task which is to update the current sports uniform and jackets K-6.
Please do not be concerned that you have purchased a uniform, and a new one is coming in. These decisions are phased in over a period of time across both schools K-6. The additional items for summer for girls will be an 'option' likely for summer 2025. Just as for winter navy pants and a long-sleeved white shirt and girls tie is an option to the tunic. The sport uniform changes will require extensive consultation with parents and depending on manufacturing timelines, may be for mid- late in 2025. The sport uniform shirt fabric is a heavy fabric and in 2024, there are lighter weight more absorbing fabrics available.
Bullying No Way Week
Next week is National Bullying No Week across Australia. In our PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning) lessons we focused for the previous two weeks on the ABC of managing bullying. A= Avoid the bully; B = Be assertive; C = Call for help and the kinder students were able to tell me all about it. We also spent time explaining that bullying is something that happens more than once so that children can understand that sometimes, unfortunately someone may be unkind, but whilst that is not nice, it is not bullying. Here is a link to the website for next week.
Annual School Visit
On Friday 16th August we will welcome the Chief Operations Officer Ms Lisa Tierney, the Head of Catholic Schools Mr. Steve Lemos and the Head of Religious Education and Spirituality Mr Ryan Gato to our school for the purpose of the annual school visit. They will be joined by Education Officers, heads of department and various partners from the diocese both in person and online. This is an opportunity for the executive team to proudly showcase all that we achieve here to the visitors in all areas e.g. Religious Education, learning and wellbeing using data we have gathered and analysed over a period of time. It is also the time for our business partners in various domains such as property, WHS, finance, strategic planning, marketing, counselling to share the support they provide to our school and for the executive to request support in particular areas.
The visitors will visit each classroom and meet with the students and so I do ask that the students come looking their best in their full winter uniform please. We certainly have lots of good news stories to share.
Father's Day
Our school leaders have met and looked through some catalogues to pick the gifts for the 2024 Father's Day Stall. We are in need of parent volunteers to kindly come in for an hour when you can to put ribbon around the little gifts. It makes it so much easier for the children when they are selecting a gift at the stall.
We also need helpers for the stall please on Tuesday 27th August. For Mother's Day we had one volunteer which made things a bit difficult for teachers to manage. Your offer of help is always gratefully appreciated. In days gone by, the school had an active P&F Association who would work with the Principal to support and organise these events that the children love so much. With parents working, it is hard for parent to attend the school - but it is also a challenge for staff as they are looking after the children. So, if you can spare an hour - please call the office and we will gratefully welcome your help.
Assistant Principal News
Regular school attendance is essential for your child's overall well-being and academic success. Attending school regularly, including on Fridays, provides students with a structured routine, helps them develop positive learning habits, and fosters a sense of responsibility and commitment.
Consistent attendance is crucial for students to stay engaged in their learning, build relationships with teachers and peers, and participate effectively in classroom activities. It also allows students to develop essential skills like time management, organisation, and perseverance. Missing school, even on Fridays, can lead to gaps in learning and make it challenging for students to catch up with the curriculum.
Regular attendance is a legal requirement. By ensuring your child attends school each day, you are not only supporting their educational journey but also helping them meet legal obligations.
Your cooperation in prioritising your child's attendance at school, including on Fridays, is highly valued and contributes significantly to their academic progress and well-being.
Positive Behaviour for Learning
Our PB4L focus for the next two weeks of this term will be from the domain, I am a Learner:
“I do my best!”
Encouraging students to embrace the positive mindset of "I am a learner - I do my best" promotes a positive attitude towards learning, perseverance, and continuous improvement. This behaviour nurtures a growth mindset that teaches students to approach challenges with resilience and a commitment to giving their best effort. By instilling this belief, students become active participants in their education, seeking help when needed and collaborating with peers.
To encourage their child to do their best, parents and carers may use statements like:
"Every little step you take is a step forward, so keep trying your best."
"It’s not about being perfect; it’s about doing your best every day."
"Hard work is what helps you reach your full potential."
"Even when things are hard, keep pushing and do your best."
"You can achieve anything if you really try."
"Be proud of the effort you put in."
"When you feel unsure, trust yourself and keep working hard."
"Success comes from hard work and not giving up, so keep giving it your all."
"Your journey is special to you, so focus on it and keep trying your best."
"Every time you try, you learn something new and get better."
Parents and carers play a crucial role in reinforcing this behaviour at home, fostering their child's academic success and overall well-being. Through modelling a dedication to learning and encouraging their child to strive for their best, parents contribute to shaping a generation of lifelong learners who tackle challenges with a growth mindset and a determination to reach their full potential.
Rebecca Kearns
Assistant Principal
Sharing Our Faith
Mary MacKillop Prayer
Ever generous God,
You inspired Saint Mary MacKillop
To live her life faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and constant in bringing hope and encouragement to those who were disheartened, lonely, or needy.
With confidence in your generous providence and through the intercession of Saint Mary MacKillop
We ask that you grant our request……………….
We ask that our faith and hope be fired afresh by the Holy Spirit so that we too, like Mary MacKillop, may live with courage, trust, and openness.
Ever generous God hear our prayer.
We ask this through Jesus Christ.
Mary MacKillop, woman of faith woman of the poor teacher and educator pilgrim on the
way woman of the cross woman of the community woman of the gospel woman
expanding boundaries woman of charism.
Pray with us.
2012 Trustees of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart
Feast of St Mary Mackillop
Mary MacKillop’s Feast Day is on 8th August, which is the day she died. Mary’s Feast
Day is a wonderful time to reflect on the qualities and actions that set her apart, and
how her legacy continues to be relevant today. Mary MacKillop fiercely believed in the
power of education to lift communities out of poverty. Education in Australia is what it is
today, thanks in large part to the dedication and determination of Mary and the Sisters
of St Joseph
This August let’s walk in the footsteps of Australia’s most loved Saint. Just like Mary
MacKillop… Let’s be fierce in the face of adversity. Let’s be fair and act when we see
injustice. Let’s give love to those we encounter each day. Together, let’s be Fierce for Fair
Thank you to Year 1 for leading us in a beautiful Liturgy.
Feast of St Mary Mackillop Liturgy
Social Justice-Holy Spirit Mini Vinnies
On Thursday we had our first Mini Vinnies meeting. Students from Year 2 gave up their
lunch time to discuss ways we could help people in our school and our community.
Establishing a Mini Vinnies group empowers students to become advocates within their
school and local community by putting their values into action. This Mini Vinnies group
will meet regularly on a Thursday with Mrs. Edwards and Mrs. Barrass, we look forward to
sharing what projects we are working on.
Feast of The Assumption- 15th August
August 15 is the Feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. It is a Holy Day of Obligation
and is a day to celebrate the day Mary was taken up into Heaven. We celebrate Mary’s
passing over, body and soul, from this world into heaven with Jesus, her son. We
remember that Mary was especially chosen by God to be the mother of Jesus. Mary was
a holy and prayerful woman who showed great trust and love for God.
Loving father,
We ask that we learn from Mary and live our lives always saying “yes” to whatever God
wants from us.
Help us to be strong in our hearts, like Mary was and show others our belief in God.
Vineyards Parish Mass Times
National Science Week
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We are thrilled to announce that our school will be celebrating National Science Week with an exciting day filled with hands-on activities designed to spark curiosity and inspire a love for science in our students.
This special event will take place on Thursday next week, the 15th of August.
We will turn into "Mad Scientists" as we are undertaking some science experiments across each grade. If your child wishes to bring in a white coat or a pair of crazy glasses/safety glasses or a wig to wear during the experiments, they are most welcome!
We do need each child to bring an empty and CLEAR 600ml bottle for their experiment on Thursday.
We can’t wait for your children to experience the wonders of science in a fun and engaging way.
Brodie Flynn
Classroom Teacher
AKA Professor Flynn
Fee Clearance for Year 2 students
Fee Clearance (for Year 3) - As students in Year 2 complete their schooling here at Holy Spirit Infants, they will require a fee clearance prior to being accepted for enrolment into Holy Spirit Primary at Kurri. This is bringing both schools in line with the Diocesan Policy that requires students who transition to another Catholic School eg Year 2 to Year 3; Yr 6 to Yr 7; Yr 10 to Yr 11 to have a fee clearance. We appreciate all that families do to honour their fee responsibilities.
If you have set up a periodic payment arrangement, we are appreciative of your ongoing commitment and ask that you please check the amount remaining and adjust your payments as needed. As always, families who are having difficulty with meeting their fee responsibilities are encouraged to make an appointment with the principal as soon as possible please.
Fathers Day Celebrations
Fathers Day Gift Vouchers
Father's Day gift vouchers are now on sale via QKR. There is a limit of 2 gifts per student. The vouchers are $6 each. We also have a limited number of Grandfather gift vouchers available; they too are $6 but there is a limit of 1 until sold out.
Music News
This term in Music, all students are expanding their knowledge of the instruments and how they are classified. We have sorted orchestral instruments into their families, how they are played and if they are pitched or unpitched. As a result of this, students are becoming familiar with the names of a variety of instruments, particularly those in the orchestra.
We have explored pitch through singing catchy songs, and we are now using Boomwhackers! Boomwhackers are such a fun way to perform melodies together as a class and to work on rhythmic patterns and listening to the beat of the music.
Kindergarten were so excited to begin playing the Boomwhackers and Stage 1 were very happy to see their return after playing them in last year’s lessons.
Mrs Matthews is so impressed with how everyone has adjusted to the new timetable and using new instruments
Grace Matthew
Music Teacher
eSafety Free Webinar
Every child should be supported with appropriate knowledge to know how to make positive choices around consent and boundaires, including when online.
Accordingly, the eSafety Commissioner will be hosting a FREE, 30-minute webinar on Tuesday 20 August, aimed at parents and carers of primary school aged-children.
The webinar will outline useful strategies for you to guide your children, including ideas on how to have those hard-to-have conversations.
Library News
Issue 5 of Book Club will close on Thursday 29th August. All orders MUST be placed ONLINE ONLY through Scholastic LOOP.
Book Week
Dear Parents,
It’s that time of the year again, to celebrate children’s literature. This year’s theme is Reading is Magic and what a better way to support this, than to have students dress up as their favourite book character for a day. You are all welcome to join us for Holy Spirit Infants’ Book Week Parade.
Date: Wednesday 28th August.
Time: 12 pm.
Following the parade parents are welcome to stay and have afternoon tea with their children and attend the Scholastic Book Fair.
The book fair is a fantastic initiative to help fundraise for the school library. The book fair will be open in the morning between 8:30 – 9:00 am in the library and between 1:00 and 2:30 pm in the hall.
Have a magical time,
Evelyn Covita
Canteen News
To our canteen volunteers,
We would firstly like to thank you for your generosity in offering your time and supporting our families by volunteering in the canteen at Holy Spirit Infants School, without you we could not operate.
From Term 3, all canteen volunteers are required to have completed the Food Handler Basic Training Course with the NSW Food Authority, this is now an obligation with having a registered canteen.
Please see below flyer outlining all the information relating to the new requirements.
If you have any questions regarding this please do not hesitate to contact the office.
Dates for your Diary
Community News
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