22nd April 2021
Principal News
Holy Week Liturgy
Resurrection Liturgy Photos
Student Leadership
Acting Assistant Principal News
Office News
Enrolments Kinder 2022
Learning Support News
Early Links Development Information Sessions special opportunity for Parents & Carers
Mothers Day
Community News
Easter Raffle Winners
Canteen News
Want to be a Volunteer at Holy Spirit ?
Dates for your Diary
Community News
Principal News
Inspired by Jesus Christ our light,
we ignite faith and empower ALL through the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit Infants School Abermain Vision Statement 2020
Dear Parents and Carers
Looking back at the weeks prior to our Easter celebrations and even this past week here at Holy Spirit Infants, there is a tangible and growing sense of connectedness between our students, their families and our school community. This is so important to us for we are a community built on faith and sharing and expressing our faith in action – through our words and deeds and even through our attitudes.
Given the gradual relaxing of the more strict Covid-19 health protocols for schools we have been fortunate to be able to have opened the gates and welcomed our families back inside the vibrant environment that is Holy Spirit Infants. Our community is welcoming, it is accepting, it is inclusive, it is encouraging, it is supportive and it is where we want every child to grow and thrive in their early years of learning. Our community is built on love and we are ever mindful that “at the heart of all we do, there is always Jesus Christ.”(Catholic Schools Diocesan Vision Statement 2016)
Our own school vision statement is:
“Inspired by Jesus Christ our light, we ignite faith and empower ALL through the fruits of the Holy Spirit.”
The ways in which we aim to do this permeate all that we do. We are proudly a Catholic school and we are unique being the only K-2 Infants School in the diocese. Our Fruits of the Spirit focus each fortnight is about encouraging our young learners all about the many ways that they can show joy, love, peace, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self control and we have aligned our religion lessons and our fortnightly awards to teach about these fruits and to “catch” our students sharing them with one another and with the school community. If you would like to give any feedback about the new vision statement, please do so as I am keen to listen and learn.
This year our diocese will be celebrating 200 years of Catholic Education here in the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese. We will be celebrating this special occasion with Catholic Schools Week from May 3-May 10th and our school will have a Catholic Schools Week liturgy and our Athletics Fun Day on May 5th. All welcome!
We came together for two very special Easter liturgies – one during Holy Week shared with us by Kinder and Year 2 students about the events that took place long ago on Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday. The students’ dedication and participation was really humbling to experience. They understood the joy of Palm Sunday and the pain and suffering of Good Friday.
On Tuesday after the Easter break, we were able to share in the joy of Christ’s Resurrection as Year 1 sang and mimed for us the bible narrative of His disciples’ despair and then almost disbelief that He had risen. What a joyful liturgy Year 1 prepared and we are very thankful for their enthusiasm. It truly is “good News”.
New families:
This week we warmly welcomed Zeek into Kinder White and Vitaria into Year 1 White and we are delighted they have joined our school community.
Kinder Coffee Morning:
It was wonderful to catch up with some Kinder parents at our Coffee and Chat morning on Wednesday. Our aim is to support parents and carers linking together and building community.
Year 1 Coffee Morning:
We are hosting a coffee and chat for our Year 1 parents and carers next Friday 30th April at 9.15am. Please rsvp and we hope that you can join us. Covid impacted on us being able to really meet together as a group of Year 1 parents and so we hope these morning teas can provide an opportunity for you to catch up.
Some thoughts about Upcoming Events:
We do have many events coming up in the next few weeks – so we will be communicating with you as clearly as we can. If you are ever unsure of something after checking the newsletter and compass, please call the school and we will assist you. Thank you.
Parents who have children in both our Infants School and the Primary School at Kurri please know that as principals, Paul O’Heir and I are very mindful of when we schedule events and do our best to plan things across both school calendars. We are however at the stage due to the growth in numbers at both schools, that coming together for events which in the past were able to happen, is proving very problematic for many reasons. We absolutely acknowledge this may be a disappointment for our families who have children across the two schools and we are very aware that having separate events likely makes it difficult for parents/carers to attend ALL the events held at both schools.
With this in mind, we have our Mother’s Day Stall on Tuesday 4th May please order a Voucher via Qkr (please contact the school for support with this as we are trialling a cashless event). You must purchase the voucher in advance, please see elsewhere in this newsletter. This is on a different day for the Primary School.
We are hosting an Athletics Fun Day here at school on Wednesday 5th May which will begin with a special liturgy at 9.15am celebrating all that is wonderful about our Catholic Schools. Again, this will be on a different day at the Kurri school and our 8 year olds are invited to attend their more formal athletics carnival.
Our Mother’s Day Liturgy and celebrations are on Monday 10th May at 12 noon. Kurri will have theirs on a different day before Mother’s day and ours will be after Mother’s Day in an effort to try and accommodate mothers across the two schools.
We truly are doing our best and if you would like to share your thoughts or ideas, you are welcome to contact me.
For our Mother’s Day Stall 4th May & Athletics Fun Day 5th May we will need some Parent/Carer volunteers. If you are available to assist us on the day -please contact the school. Thank you.
Building Works:
It is very exciting and our school will soon see some changes such as temporary fencing around the administration block as the refurbishment work begins from May 18th. The work in the admin block is expected to take about 8 weeks (or longer) and so our administrative offices and staff room will have a temporary set up in the back of the hall for the duration. Mrs Seamer and Mrs Minter will set up the main office and sick bay from the current Exec Office space. We will need to relock the current front gate and ask parents and students to enter the school via the double gates between 8.55am and 2.55pm. The kiosk will be relocated to that space. The front gate will once again need to be locked as we will have no vision of the front gate during the building works.
The main impact will be on the staff and should not interfere with student learning.
We also have a new covered walkway with tiered seating being built across the top of the grassed area to create shaded outdoor learning spaces and a cover for when its wet weather.
In addition, we are having the work done to the northern wall of the hall building with recladding and maintenance taking place before these above works begin. So our school will be a little different this term and then we hope that by term 3 we can showcase the new spaces created for our school. It is exciting!
We are so grateful to the Diocese for this fabulous upgrade of our facilities. Every time I walk past the new student bathrooms – its crazy but it makes me smile to have such a top class facility here for our kids.
We are looking to offload some of our excess furniture over the next two weeks so please keep an eye on Compass and if interested in student table/chair/desks contact the school.
Staffing News:
Congratulations to Miss Scott who was married in the holidays. She will return to teach Kinder White next week and she will be known as Mrs Edwards. We wish her and her husband Michael a happy life together.
Mr Trevor Shakespeare and Mrs Janelle Williams are staff members currently on leave and we ask that you keep them in your prayers and thoughts. We have new cleaners replacing Mr Shakespeare for the next few weeks from Gabe’s Cleaning. Welcome Lisa and Daniella.
We currently have a position for a Learning Support Teacher advertised to begin shortly, as Mrs Blake has accepted the offer of a full time position at St Patrick’s at Cessnock. Mrs Blake has been at Abermain 5 days a fortnight and at Cessnock the same so being in one school is preferable to her. I will keep you informed but please continue to correspond with Mrs Blake for any Learning Support needs.
ANZAC DAY 25th April
This Sunday our Student Leaders will lay a wreath on behalf of our school at the cenotaph for the local Kurri ANZAC Service. There is no march this year. Our sincere thanks to the parents of our leaders who are able to attend and to Mrs Collingwood who will be there to represent our school. The children took home a permission note earlier this week. They are asked to wear their school uniform please.
We will hold a liturgy for ANZAC day next Monday 26th April at 9am. Year 2W are leading us in prayer and parents and carers are welcome.
Many blessings,
Diane Murphy
Holy Week Liturgy
Last term our students led us in a Holy Week liturgy where we saw each stage perform a ritual of the Holy Week events. I can truly say on behalf of all the staff what a joy it was to see the students perform with such reverence and tranquillity. We began each ritual with a prayer and then the scenes from Holy Week. We acknowledge that it is sad for many reasons within our faith but also a joyous occasion to remember the sacrifice that Jesus made.
On Tuesday, Year 1 continued the celebration of Easer with a re-enactment of Easter Sunday.
Thank you to all students for their prayerful and reverent response to our Easter Celebrations
Resurrection Liturgy Photos
Student Leadership
Congratulations to Charley Wrightson who is now part of our Student Leadership Team. Charley was presented with her badge on Monday morning at the school assembly and she proudly accepted her new role and responsibilities.
Acting Assistant Principal News
Welcome to Term 2!
This term promises to be a busy and exciting term for us all, our students have made an excellent start. I acknowledge that this is a result of your work and support of your children - the haircuts, shopping for uniforms, lunchboxes… the list goes on. Education works best when families and schools work together.
If at any time you wish to discuss any aspect of school life with me, my executive office day is every Wednesday which I will be available for appointment. You can arrange a time to meet via phone call to the school or alternatively my email courtney.porter@mn.catholic.edu.au
Please be reminded of the process when your child is unwell. If they are unable to attend school, please send us an email, or phone and speak to our office staff to leave a message. If you are planning to be absent from school for 10 school days or longer, you must apply for leave which the Principal can approve.
Our school is a Positive Behaviour for Learning School. The PBL framework assists schools to improve social, emotional, behavioural, and academic outcomes for children and young people.
When PBL is implemented well, teachers and students have more time to focus on relationships and classroom instruction. Students and staff benefit from:
- reduced problem behaviour
- increased time focused on instruction
- improved social-emotional wellbeing
- positive and respectful relationships among students and staff
- support for teachers to teach, model and respond effectively to student need
- a predictable learning environment where staff and students know what is expected to deliver effective practices that can be sustained over time.
Our Positive Behaviour for learning focus for weeks 1 and 2 is ‘I respond positively to adults!’ This focus contributes to becoming a respectful learner. We are teaching the children to use eye contact when addressing all adults and using positive language. Jesus reminds us that when we speak positively to others, it brings kindness and shows care.
Each Monday the teachers introduce the PBL at morning assembly. In class time we talk about what this focus looks like and how we can show apply theses skills in different situations across the school. The following Monday a class reinforces this message by role playing the PBL focus.
When children are seen or heard following the PBL, they can receive Gotchas and select children who consistently follow this PBL focus are awarded with merit certificates at assembly.
COVID Intensive Learning Support program
You may be aware that the NSW Department at the end of last year announced that they would be funding a COVID intensive learning support program (ILSP) to deliver intensive tuition for students in 2021.
The COVID intensive learning support program provides additional support to our school ensuring student’s benefit from high-quality literacy, numeracy or specific subject area content that best meets their current learning needs.
Small groups of students will be withdrawn from their regular class and formed to maximise effective learning. Other features on the program include:
- Small group tuition of 3-5 students targeting year 1 and 2
- Involve sessions that are 10-20 minutes in duration.
- These sessions will occur 3 times per week for Term 2 weeks 2-10and beyond.
- Be targeted to students’ specific needs.
- Provide feedback to students and the students’ other teachers, school or parents and carers.
- Teachers and educators will maintain open and regular lines of communication with classroom teachers as well as parents and carers, to ensure learning remains consistent with the curriculum and individual learning progress.
Our intensive learning support program will be coordinated by myself and supported by tutors. If you have any further enquiries about this program, please contact the school.
Wednesday 31st March saw our students participate in Cross Country. After 8 weeks of training for the event, students ran the course with enthusiasm and steam!
Despite the rain, the students cheered on their peers with lots of smiles to be seen all around. Thank you to the parents who came to encourage their children, it was fantastic to welcome you back to school events. A big thanks to the Year 2 students who supported some of our Kindergarten and Year 1 runners.
Congratulations to the following children who placed first, second and third running in their house colours.
Year 2:
1st Place: Ashton Jeffrey
2nd Place: Noah Barry
3rd Place: Harper Nevin
1st Place- Scarlett Crouch
2nd Place: Xanthie Smith
3rd Place: Lillian Bull
Year 1:
1st Place: Aymon Lee
2nd Place: Jude Berry
3rd Place: Tyreze Kiyega
1st Place: Estelle Palmer
2nd Place: Ruby Dodds
3rd Place: Mia Morgan Moore, Mia Harding
1st Place: Hudson Gould
2nd Place: Jack Davies
3rd Place: Oliver Gilbert
1st Place: Jett Hawley
2nd Place: Eli Wrightson
3rd Place: Pranav Gopakumar
1st Place: Evie Schmeidel
2nd Place: Chloe Wile
3rd Place: Ivie Radford
A very big Congratulations to Xanthie Smith who qualified for the Diocesan Cross-Country event and to Blue house for achieving the most points on the day!
Thank you
Courtney Porter
Acting Assistant Principal
Cross Country
Yesterday our school wore blue clothes in recognition of people with autism and those who love and support them. The students visited the ASPECT classrooms and engaged in a superpower activity to create awareness that children with autism have superpowers! The ASPECT teacher Corrine Riddle gave some information on autism and how it affects children.
We also watched a short film ‘Float’ by Pixar, and painted blue hands to create a blue garden.
The coin donations given will be used to provide resources such as sensory tools for students on the Spectrum. Thank you for your support with this and a big thank you to the ASPECT teachers for allowing us in your rooms, it was a lot of fun!
Office News
Annual School Fees 2021
Fee statements as at the end of March have been emailed to all fee payers with balances owing. Please note this is not a demand for payment, merely an update of your fee status. Thank you to those families who have already paid or have commenced a payment arrangement. In 2021 school fees are invoiced for the full year.
Payments can be made either weekly, fortnightly, monthly or annually. Payment methods are: BPAY (using the details on the upper right-hand side of the fee statement), direct debit (using the application form from the Catholic Development Fund), EFTPOS, credit card or cash.
Payments should have commenced prior to 31st March and are to be finalised by 30th November 2021. Please complete your Payment Frequency Form and return it to the office if you have not already done so.
If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact the school to make an appointment to meet with the principal.
Health Care Card holders are reminded that they will need to provide a copy of their card every year to ensure that a discount is applied to their child’s school fees. A new concession form must be completed.
Enrolments Kinder 2022
Do you have a child ready to start school in 2022? The official enrolment period for Kindergarten 2022 has commenced. Please contact Holy Spirit Infants School for an enrolment information pack. Office hours are 8:30am – 3:30pm Monday to Friday. If you are unsure if your child is ready for school, please talk to your preschool director and teachers. If you think, your child has a disability please discuss this openly with your child’s preschool professionals and see your doctor for the appropriate health professional referral. This information will assist us to have the necessary measures in place at time of enrolment. Early intervention is vital to give your child the support they need to succeed at school. Families will be contacted regarding tours, interview times; playgroup opportunities and transition to school session dates. Consider starting your child's educational journey with us!
Learning Support News
EDUCARE MobiMag Edition 3!
Our focus turns to how to be supportive of our family and provide an environment of Safety for Our Kids! We thought it timely to include some tips on how to support our children navigate their time and presence online.
It seems 2021 is forging ahead with new challenges, including school return, socialising again and re-establishing working life. Our feature article provides insight into these issues within the school environment, shining a light on School Anxiety in its differing forms. We also have a number of social and communication skills workshops on offer for kids of all ages. Enjoy!
Simply click the image below to get instant access.
Early Links Development Information Sessions special opportunity for Parents & Carers
Mothers Day
The Mother's Day Stall is planned for Tuesday 4th May at the Infants School and will take place in the morning. If you can spare a couple of hours and enjoy seeing the smiles of "happy little shoppers" please contact Dot or Lesley. Thank you.
We will be using QKR for the Mother's Day vouchers in 2021. These will be available under "Events" on the QKR app. The little gifts are valued at $3, $5 and $10. Limit of 1 voucher per student. The cut off date for ordering the vouchers is Friday 30th April. If you have difficulty with the app, or need further information, please contact the office on 49304361 for assistance.
Community News
Rhyleigh’s Hair for Heart!
On Wednesday, a very kind and special Year 2 student Rhyleigh Cockerill cut her beautiful, long hair to raise money for Variety.
Rhyleigh had been growing her hair for the last 4 years for Variety’s Hair with Heart and cut and donated her hair to be made into a wig for someone who has lost their hair due to a medical condition like Alopecia or cancer. These conditions have personally touched Rhyleigh and her family and she wanted to make a difference for the brave girls and boys who are battling with these conditions.
At the beginning of Term 1, Rhyleigh approached our Principal, Diane Murphy and asked what she could do to help a child who has no hair. This act of compassion and care has greatly affected our school community and we wanted to support Rhyleigh!
All students gathered in our school hall to watch the big chop! Rhyleigh’s Mum Mel, spent 2 hours before the big chop washing, drying and straightening Rhyleigh’s hair, in preparation to turn her hair into a wig. Rhyleigh’s Aunty Jess very carefully measured what hair was going to be cut (using a metre ruler!), tied 8 very long plaits and snip!
The students were so proud of Rhyleigh and applauded this act of kindness and generosity.
Rhyleigh was aiming to raise $2,000 for Variety but exceeded this goal, raising just over $2300.
Thank you Rhyleigh for donating your hair and making a difference in the lives of a very special boy or girl!
Easter Raffle Winners
Thank you to all who supported our Easter Raffle. Total proceeds raised from the raffle was $947.55. These funds will be used to purchase a new Lunch Setting Ezy Seat for the children. Thank you for your generosity. The following 47 people won a prize: J. Palmer, L. Shakespeare, M. Travan, B. Moore, J. Berry, Z. Mueller, R. Powell, G. Sharpe, Z. Agocs, M. Bauer, V. Agocs, M. Harding, G. Sharpe, K. Rolla, A. K-C, T. Koshoorn, R. Cockerill, S. Snelgrove, A. Jeffery, C. Cresswell, A. Hawkins, W. Brooks, K. Blake, J. Berry, J. Neale, C. Nicholls, A. Focic, D. Rumbel, H. Porter-Kay, D. Shaw, A. Jeffery, M. Bauer, S. Harding, D. Seamer, J. Balkema, C. Gillan, M. Bauer, H. Currington, J. Palmer, E. Palmer, G. Ostermann, G. Redding, S. Gillan, K. Maygar, Z. Agocs, A. Callaway, C. Collingwood.
Easter Hat Parade
Bookclub Issue 3 closes Thursday 7th May. Please order your items using the Book Club Loop. Thank you for your support.
Awards Week 10 Term 1
Canteen News
Want to be a Volunteer at Holy Spirit ?
To be a volunteer in our school you MUST complete the forms in the Volunteers Handbook and hand in at the school office with Identification as advised in the handbook. The volunteer handbook can be downloaded and completed online using the link below. Alternatively, hard copies can be collected from the office if you prefer.
Please be aware that not all volunteers will require a Working with Children’s Check to become a volunteer. The Statutory Screening Selection Tool on page 26 of the Volunteer Handbook will determine this for you. However, it will indicate that a National Coordinated Criminal History Check will be required by ALL people who are completing the volunteer process.
Please make yourself aware of your responsibilities by reading the Volunteers Induction Handbook carefully.
When you have completed the paperwork required from the Volunteers handbook, you can send it away to be verified by the Catholic Schools Office using the contacts provided, or you can hand it to the school office, and we will send it away for you. You will be notified within 6 weeks of sending away your application of the result.
When your documentation has been verified and given the all clear all volunteers must then complete an induction process at the school.
For further information, please see Dot or Lesley in the office. We appreciate your understanding of the need for this process and look forward to you becoming a volunteer!
Dates for your Diary
Community News
Unless otherwise stated, the advertisements placed in this newsletter are placed by independent third parties who have no legal relationship with the Diocese. The activities or services of the advertisers are not supervised or controlled in any way by the Diocese. The Diocese is not in a position to endorse the advertisers or the services provided and makes no representation about those matters. Accordingly, the Diocese cannot accept any responsibility for the advertisers or the activities or services that are the subject of these advertisements.