25th March
Principals News
Acting REC News
Harmony Day
Enrolments 2022
Volunteers Handbook
Spotlight on Year 2 Learning
Lost Property
Library News
Cross Country 31st March
Easter Hat Parade and Raffle
Mothers Day
Awards Weeks 8 & 9 -Congratulations to
Canteen News
Advanced notice Pupil Free Days Term 2
Dates for your Diary
Community News
Principals News
We praise you in this Easter season. Change our lives, change our hearts to be messengers of Easter joy and hope. We make our prayer through Jesus Christ, our risen Lord forever.
Dear Parents and Carers,
As we look ahead we will soon begin refecting on the events of Holy Week, the Passion of Christ our Lord. Easter isn’t just something we celebrate once a year, but every day we wake to follow Christ. The hope we have in Jesus doesn’t falter or fade amidst crisis…or even a pandemic. We may be battling unprecedented burdens for our generation, and fighting fear on a moment to moment basis, but our hope is not lost. Our hope is set firmly in what has already been accomplished by Jesus’ saving work on the cross …and resurrection. Christians celebrate Easter in remembrance of Jesus’ resurrection from death, three days after being nailed to a cross. The Holy Spirit lives in every believer, because of the events we celebrate at Easter. No longer are we slaves to sin but free through the blood of Jesus. “For God so love the world,” the Apostle John wrote, “that He gave His one and only Son.”
We have had a very busy start to the new school year and our Kinder students have all settled in so well to the routines and daily life at Holy Spirit Infants. Through our Successful Foundations approach to play based transition from preschool to our school setting, we have found so many wonderful moments where students have engaged in play both individually and with each other. New friendships have been formed; a great sense of belonging has been established and our teachers feel so fortunate to have been able to spend this time observing and interacting in a relaxed way with every child. Our kinders are happy and thriving at school.
Our Year 1 students also engaged in a play based transition into the new stage of their learning, also with great success. Our Year 2 students are now our school leaders and have adjusted to their new role so very well. They also have the special job of being a "Buddy" to our Kinder students and this is a special relationship which continues to grow.
We look forward to a new term of great learning and to welcoming back to our school our wonderful parents and grandparents. Our school community has missed having you with us.
As we hold close in our prayers those who have lost so much in the floods across the East Coast this past week, our staff extend an Easter blessing for all our families.
Wishing everyone a Holy Easter filled with joy, Diane Murphy
Acting REC News
‘O generous God, transform us in these Lenten Days, that we may be gifts of love to one another. For there is enough love for all. Enough Food. Enough money. Love overflowing’
Today Year 2 Blue led the school in prayer to recognise the feast of the Annunciation. It is celebrated on 25th of March, nine months before Christmas. This feast celebrates the day the Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and asked her to be the Mother of Jesus. Mary was an ordinary girl from a simple town. Yet, God chose her from all time, and set her apart to be the mother of His Son. Even though Mary did not understand completely, she trusted God’s plan for her life, and she said yes to becoming the mother of God.
Thank you, Year 2!
On Friday 19th March, we celebrated the Feast of St Joseph. Students enjoyed learning how St Joseph sets a good example for us all. Joseph showed us how to love, how to care for others and how to put the needs of others before himself. See more about our St Joseph’s Day celebrations in Year 2 news!
“In the Gospels, St Joseph appears as a strong courageous man, a working man, yet in his heart we see great tenderness, which is not the virtue of the weak but rather a sign of strength of spirit and a capacity for concern, for compassion, for genuine openness to others, for love.”
Families and parishioners are invited to attend our schools Holy Week liturgy on Tuesday 30th March at 12pm under the COLA. We ask that you please use the QR code to check in upon arrival and socially distance when on site.
The students have been listening to bible stories and learning about the events of Holy Week. Kindergarten will re-enact the events of Palm Sunday; Year 2 Blue The Last Supper on Holy Thursday and Year 2 White The Crucifixion on Good Friday. Year 1 classes will re-enact Easter Sunday and the resurrection when we return to school in Term 2 on Monday 19th April.
As we are nearing the end of our Lenten Journey, we ask that all Project Compassion boxes are returned to school by Thursday 1st April.
I look forward to sharing with you all if we have met our donation goal.
Many blessings, Meagan Scott, Religious Education Co-ordinator.
Harmony Day
Last Tuesday Holy Spirit celebrated Harmony Day with a special out of uniform Day. The students engaged in activities throughout the day with the theme 'Everyone Belongs". Hopefully, some of the beautiful artwork made it home for parents to see. Thank you parents for sending your children in so many wonderful colours - our school was a beautiful rainbow!
Each class worked hard at learning a song in a different language and performed this on stage in front of the school. The performances were amazing. We have some very clever students here at Holy Spirit.
Our Harmony Day Poster competition saw some amazing talent this year. The winners to the competition include:- Emma Reed (KW), Charlee Lloyd (KB), Adelaide Bliss and Heart Hardes (1W), Elayna Farmer (1B), Xanthie Smith and Aria Capper (2W) and Scarlett Crouch (2B). These wonderful posters will now be sent off to a statewide Harmony Day poster competition for further judging. Nikki Fredsall EALD Teacher
My New Gallery
Enrolments 2022
Do you have a child ready to start school in 2022? The official enrolment period for Kindergarten 2022 will be from Monday 1st March to the end of May 2021. Please contact Holy Spirit Infants School within this time frame for your enrolment information pack. Office hours are 8:30am – 3:30pm Monday to Friday. If you are unsure if your child is ready for school, please talk to your preschool director and teachers. If you think your child has a disability please discuss this openly with your child’s preschool professionals and see your doctor for the appropriate health professional referral. This information will assist us to have the necessary measures in place at time of enrolment. Early intervention is vital to give your child the support they need to succeed at school. Families will be contacted regarding tours, interview times; playgroup opportunities and Transition to School session dates. Consider starting your child's educational journey with us!
Volunteers Handbook
Spotlight on Year 2 Learning
Year 2 had a wonderful time celebrating the feast of Saint Joseph last Friday.
Last year Pope Francis named 2021 as a year honouring St Joseph as the earthly father of Jesus and husband of Mary.
Year 2 enjoyed learning more about the Saint we pray to each day and would like to share some facts:
Aiden Paul: “Saint Joseph was Jesus’ earthly father”
Ryan: “Saint Joseph was really good are fixing things and building houses. He was a carpenter”
Kaitlin : “Saint Joseph is so special he is the patron Saint of families and of workers”
Charley: “Our school was called originally called St Josephs"
Hudson: "Saint Joseph was Jesus’ Foster Father”
Ella: “Saint Joseph was a good person. He was brave as he had to protect Mary and Jesus”
This term we have had so much fun learning new strategies to solve problems in Mathematics. Learning these strategies enables students to effectively and successfully solve most types of mathematical problems as they become more and more challenging.
We have enjoyed listening to one another's ideas, solutions and strategies employed to solve mathematical problems during our “Number Talks” each day.
Our students are always eager to hear if the jump strategy, split strategy, base ten trading, repeated addition or skip counting has been used by their classmates to solve the problem.
In Geography Year 2 have been investigating Australia’s location in the world. We are becoming more and more confident in describing Australia’s location in relation to the continents and oceans of the world. We have also enjoyed using google maps to find our location in Australia.
Science and Technology has been interesting examining the difference between computer hardware and software. Our Year 2 students are enjoying creating a PowerPoint presentation to share what they know about computer hardware and software.
Using our fundamental movement skills in games and sport has been so much fun. We can catch, pass, bounce and strike a ball.
Well done on a terrific term of learning Year 2.
Mrs Collingwood, Mrs Mueller and Mrs Kruetzer.
Our News Gallery
Lost Property
Please ensure that all clothing and items are clearly marked with your child's name. Please check that the name on your child's clothing is actually yours! We have a variety of jewellery items that have been handed in to the office over a period of time. If you have lost jewellery, please come to the office to collect it.
Library News
Library borrowing
We ask all families to return their borrowed books this week and we would like all librray books to be returned by next Thursday 1st April please. Outstanding books over the holidays do tend to become lost books and sadly may incur a lost book fee.
Borrowing will recommence in week one next term. Thank you to Mrs Woods and Mrs Williams for keeping our library an inviting place to visit.
Cross Country 31st March
Well all it took to break the drought was for Holy Spirit Infants to plan a Cross Country event! What a wet week we have had here in the Hunter and our thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by this massive flood event.
Next Wednesday 31st March we are hoping we can hold our X Country event -weather permitting. The grounds are still very wet. We will begin at 9.30am with our 8 year old boys and work backwards to Kindergarten having a run. We will then have our BBQ lunch with a popper and ice block. This is followed by the students in classrooms finishing off their Easter Headbands in preparation for our Easter Headband Parade at 2pm. (Remember preschoolers are welcome to join in and wear a hat made from home). We will conclude this massive day with our Easter Egg raffle. Then your beautiful children will likely sleep very well that night!
Our sincere thanks for the generosity of helpers for the X Country and if you are able to assist us, please contact Dot or Lesley in the office for more information. We stil need helpers on the BBQ and canteen to arrange the Meal Deals. Parents are welcome to come along and support these very serious runners!
Easter Hat Parade and Raffle
EASTER HAT PARADE Wednesday 31st March
As metioned above our Easter Hat parade will be on Wednesday afternoon after the X Country in the morning. The students will create their easter Headband in classtime. The parade will be at 2pm and parents are welcome. Preschoolers may like to join in by wearing a hat made at home.
Thankyou to those families who have kindly donated an easter egg or chocolates for the Easter Raffle prizes. Youve been very generous. We will be able to have several prizes which is terrific.
All raffle tickets are due back to school by TUESDAY 30th March. We cannot include tickets on the Wednesday due to the busy day planned. Thank you.
Mothers Day
We are still hoping that parents may be available to volunteer to run the Mother's Day stall for our students this year. Without a P&F, these events are difficult to arrange and parent/grandparent helpers are needed. The Stall is planned for Tuesday 4th May at the Infants School and will take place in the morning. If you can spare a couple of hours and enjoy seeing the smiles of "happy little shoppers" please contact Dot or Lesley. Thank you.
We will be using QKR for Mother's Day vouchers in 2021. These will be available from Term 2 under "Events" on the QKR app. The little gifts are valued at $3, $5 and $10. We will have more information in week 1, our first newsletter next term.
Awards Weeks 8 & 9 -Congratulations to
Canteen News
Advanced notice Pupil Free Days Term 2
Holy Spirit Infants School has two Pupil Free Days planned for term 2.
These dates are Monday 17th May and Friday 11th June (an extra long weekend).
We hope this early notice will enable you to plan ahead. St Nic's OOSH will operate for limited places on both these dates next term.
Dates for your Diary
Community News
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