9th March 2023
Principal News
Assistant Principal News
Sharing Our Faith
Year 1 are enjoying their learning
Office News
Medical Reminder
Kinder 2024 enrolments now open
Second hand uniforms
Library News
EALD at Holy Spirit Infants
Aboriginal Education News
Easter Raffle Tickets and Donations
Awards: Congratulations to...
Canteen News
Dates for your Diary
Community News
Principal News
"Respect for God’s creation is at the foundation of our Catholic faith. At the heart of our beliefs is a profound understanding of the dignity and worth of every human being—created, treasured and deeply loved by God. "
"Social Justice and Ecology" Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne
I would like to share with you this passage from the Archdiocese of Melbourne:
"As taught by Jesus in the Gospels, we are called to work tirelessly for the common good and to build a more just society—a place where peace and justice flourishes and where all people—especially the most vulnerable are valued, respected and cared for. With radical solidarity, we are called to love our neighbour, knowing we are our brothers and sisters’ keeper.
Our institutions should reflect this respect for the human person and uphold the dignity of all people. We are all responsible and have a part to play in working towards the genuine good of the human person.
We are also called to be good stewards of our world, caring for and respecting the common home given to us by God. In Laudato Si, Pope Francis reminds us that we are invited to follow the example of St Francis of Assisi who saw ‘nature as a magnificent book in which God speaks to us and grants us a glimpse of his infinite beauty and goodness’. With our world facing many unprecedented challenges, all of humanity is called to unite together to protect and better care for our planet—not just for our own time but for future generations.
Our core beliefs in these areas are expressed in Catholic Social Teaching which covers all spheres of our lives—economic, political, personal and spiritual. The teachings guide us in our work for justice and in living according to the will of God. " https://melbournecatholic.org/live/social-justice-and-ecology
In this second week of Lent we encourage families to gather at mealtime or bedtime and pray with your child for those who are far less fortunate than we are. Even at the young age that our students are, we try to teach them the importance of caring for others and caring for our environment; we teach them to be kind and gentle; to show respect for one another and their teachers and to value our diversity as well as our similarities. With the celebrations of Saints such as St Patrick (17th March) and St Joseph (19th March), both well known to us as people devoted to loving God; as well as Harmony Day (21st March) where we thank God for the wonderful and rich diversity of all people in Australia, I encourage families to always remember " We are all human and made in the image of God."
Have a wonderful fortnight ahead!
Warm Regards, Diane Murphy
PLEASE SEND IN YOUR PLASTIC BOTTLE TOPS FROM MILK, JUICE, FLAVOURED MILK DRINKS so we can sort them into colours and prepare for our creative art activity. Thank you for helping us recycle with a purpose!
Parent Helpers in the classrooms
This week Year 1 were excited to welcome some parent helpers into the classrooms to assist with Reading Group activities in the Literacy block at school. It is wonderful to be able to have parents volunteer their time to support student learning. A reminder that parents must have a Volunteer clearance with the Diocese to work with the students and if you are interested in helping but are unsure of the process, please contact the school office.
Parent helpers will need to have a conversation with a member of the executive team prior to supporting in any classroom. The conversation is about the importance of confidentiality when working with our students as well as being able to offer encouragement and support for students who may not know or be familiar with the volunteer. Having parent helpers is something we enjoyed prior to the pandemic and we look forward to welcoming our volunteers on a regular basis.
Not sure if your child's teacher requested helpers? Feel free to email them to ask or offer your time.
Chloe represents Holy Spirit Infants at Maitland pool
At the recent Holy Spirit Primary Swimming Carnival our very own Chloe Wile was able to swim her 8 year girls 50m race competently and went on to represent our school at the All Saints Regional Swimming Carnival held at Maitland Pool recently. Chloe was the only representative from our school to make it to the carnival for freestyle. She swam and did her very best on the day! Congratulations Chloe! Your Holy Spirit Family is very proud of your efforts!
Our first Parent Engagement Gathering (P.E.G)
Next Tuesday evening, 14th March all parents and carers are invited to attend our first PEG meeting in the hall at Holy Spirit Infants School at 7pm. The PEG will replace the now dissolved P&F Meetings which for so many years involved parents and friends working together with the Principal to make our school communities the best that they could be. We would like to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of all those parents over the years who worked tirelessly for both schools.
The parent voice is very important to us. In recent years we have shared the "Tell Them From Me" survey with all our parents as a means to see what it is that our parents are most interested in and to receive feedback from parents about each school.
Mr Paul O'Heir (Principal at Holy Spirit Kurri Kurri Yr 3-6) and I are keen to meet with parents from both schools and to plan together various ways we can support you as you work in partnership with teachers.
One aspect of the PEG model is that it has an "Educational" component built into it. For the first PEG we will share each school's School Improvement Plan for the 2023 year and then we will be seeking your input to find out what things you as parents would like to know more about
eg supporting children learning to read or supporting your child with Year 5 mathematics.
Paul and I are aware that we will need to keep the content appropriate for parents from both schools and hence our plan is to hold the second PEG meeting at the Kurri school in term 2.
Please come along! We will keep the meeting to one hour and we would love to hear from you!
Assistant Principal News
Positive Behaviour for Learning
Our PBL focus for weeks 7 and 8 is part of “I am Respectful” it is:
“I include and don’t exclude.”
This week our students participated in a PBL lesson all about including other people. The lesson focused upon the situations they may encounter at school where they will need to show kindness towards someone else and include them. The students were asked to think of times when someone may be left out – eating lunch, playing a game, finding a partner/s in the classroom. We spoke about what we could say to someone who was left out and role-played these situations. Students may receive GOTCHAS when they include other students.
Rebecca Kearns – Assistant Principal
Sharing Our Faith
Project Compassion
Last fortnight students received their project compassion boxes to take home and we started fundraising at school with boxes in all classrooms. Just a reminder to please keep popping your donations into these boxes so that we can help those overseas who are less fortunate than us.
View the video here to hear the stories of those communities we are helping: Stories from Project Compassion 2023
On QKR we have an option to do a digital donation if you would like also. You can select your amount ranging from $1 - $20 or you can enter your own amount. We thank you for your continued support.
St Patricks Day
Next Friday 17th March, is St Patrick's Day, students are invited to wear green accessories with their school uniform. They will participate in a prayer in classes and complete an activity.
St Joseph’s Day
On Monday, 20th March, we will celebrate the Feast of St Joseph with a liturgy in the Church at 2pm. This will be led by Year 2 Blue. All are welcome to join us for this special celebration.
Family Mass
On Sunday 19th March, we will be celebrating our Term 1 Family Mass at 4:30 pm. It is a great opportunity to join with the parish community to share Mass and build relationships. All are welcome to attend. Notes went home last week for RSVP’s and to ask if anyone would like to help out with the celebration. Thank you to those who have already responded.
Holy Week
Families and parishioners are invited to attend our schools Holy Week liturgy on Thursday 6th April (Last day of Term) at 12:30 pm at St. Francis Xavier’s Church, Abermain.
The students will be listening to bible stories and learning about the events of Holy Week within their Religion lessons. Kindergarten will re-enact the events of Palm Sunday; Year 2 Blue The Last Supper on Holy Thursday and Year 2 White The Crucifixion on Good Friday. Year 1 classes will re-enact Easter Sunday and the resurrection when we return to school in Term 2.
Parish Mass Times
Saturday 11th March
9:00am Mass – St. Joseph’s, Cessnock
6:00pm Mass – St. Joseph’s, Cessnock
Sunday 12th March
8:30am Mass – Holy Spirit, Kurri Kurri
10:30am Mass – St. Joseph’s, Cessnock
4:30pm Mass – Wollombi
4:30pm Liturgy of the Word – St Francis Xavier, Abermain
Saturday 18th March
9:00am Mass – Holy Spirit, Kurri Kurri
6:00pm Mass – St. Joseph’s, Cessnock
Sunday 19th March
8:30am Mass – Holy Spirit, Kurri Kurri
10:30am Mass – St. Joseph’s, Cessnock
4:30pm Mass – St Francis Xavier, Abermain
Year 1 are enjoying their learning
1 White Term 1 2023
What an amazing start to the year we have had, everyone is settling in beautifully. Our class is keen to learn and enjoying our school focus on Mathematics and thinking like mathematicians. From weeks 2 – 6 we had an amazing time learning to play successfully, sharing, turn taking and working with each other to create, build and make remarkable objects out of Lego and magnetic shapes. The class mechanic shop with our electric vehicle was also a hit, with many students improving their spatial awareness driving around the classroom. In Mathematics we have been counting large collections and discussing ways to count more efficiently, as a class we came to the conclusion that ‘groups’ of ten are the most efficient way to count our collections. With this in mind we have concentrated on counting by tens, and improving our place value knowledge. In English we have been learning to write ‘super sentences’ with a focus on who, when, where and what happens. We have also enjoyed writing about our weekends and using our ‘time connectives’ to order our special events. Many of our exploits have been recorded as videos or photos and shared on Seesaw. Finally a huge thankyou to the volunteers that are helping with reading groups, your support and time is greatly accepted and all students love having you in our room.
Mrs Porter-Kay
Year 1 White
1 Blue Term 1 2023
It has been an incredible start to 2023 in 1 Blue! In Mathematics we have been working on place value and patterns. The students used concrete materials to create numbers and then share their thinking with one another. In English, our class have been working hard in reading groups being word collectors, working on reading eggs using the iPads and playing games using our tricky words. 1Blue have enjoyed continuing with Successful Foundations this year to support their social and emotional wellbeing. The children have enjoyed playing in the Café; taking orders, and serving meals and being a weather presenter using a microphone at the Weather Station. The Loose Parts area is also very popular as the children love creating and showing their designs. During recent library lesson, 1Blue have been having a go at logging onto laptops and using them. We are so proud of 1Blue for their effort!
Christopher B: “Library lesson have been very fun!”
Audrey B: “I have enjoyed reading groups because it is fun!”
Year 1 Blue
Office News
The first fee statement for 2023 was sent out to families last week. Statements will be sent out each month for you to keep track of your account.
Please check your statement carefully, and contact the office if you are unsure about it. Heath Care and Pension card holders need to supply requested documents so that appropriate discounts can be applied to the fees. Fees can be paid weekly, fortnightly, monthly or in a lump sum. A calculation can be emailed to you with your perferred payment arrangement - just email admin@abermain.catholic.edu.au and request this. This will enable you to then set up your internet banking as a regular payment using the amount calculated. The preferred method of payment for school fees is BPAY or EFTPOS. Fees are to paid in full by the 30th November unless a prior arrangment is made with the school.
Medical Reminder
Parents who have a child with an Asthma inhaler at school are reminded that the inhaler must be in date and that the school also requires an updated Action Plan. These inhalers are kept in the sickbay and should not be in a child's school bag please.
Parents of a child with other medical issues such as Anaphylaxis or allergies are similarly required to ensure the medication sent to school remains in date and that school has a copy of the current Action Plan. Your attention to these matters is very much appreciated.
Thank you Mrs Bonney Lane
As we move more and more to a cashless society, we have created items under the "Events" tab on the QKR App. When appropriate, donations for out of uniform days and events like Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Easter Raffle etc will be available for you to pay online. We now have opened up a Project Compassion donation event so that you can contribute online if you prefer. All funds for Project Compassion are sent directly to Caritas in full.
All canteen lunch orders are to be made using the QKR app.
Kinder 2024 enrolments now open
Do you have a child ready to start school in 2024? The official enrolment period for Kindergarten 2024 is now open. Please contact Holy Spirit Infants School for your enrolment information pack. Office hours are 8:30am – 3:30pm Monday to Friday. If you are unsure if your child is ready for school, please talk to your preschool director and teachers. If you think your child has a disability, please discuss this openly with your child’s preschool professionals and see your doctor for the appropriate health professional referral. This information will assist us to have the necessary measures in place at time of enrolment. Early intervention is vital to give your child the support they need to succeed at school. Families will be contacted regarding tours, interview times, playgroup opportunities and Transition to School session dates. Consider starting your child's educational journey with us!
Second hand uniforms
Pre-loved School Uniforms If you would like to enquire about second hand uniforms, please call Danielle on 0423 291 166 and she will assist you if possible. The second hand uniforms are held at Holy Spirit Primary School in Barton Street, Kurri Kurri.
Library News
Book Club
Issue 2 of book club closes on Thursday 23rd March. All orders placed online ONLY through Scholastic LOOP.
I am feeling so blessed getting to know all the children that come into the library for our weekly library lessons.
So far this term....
Kindergarten have been looking at fables and the morals we can learn from those stories. Fables are some of the oldest stories created by Aesop the Greek storyteller who wrote and told these timeless and cautionary tales around 600BCE.
Year 1 have been excited to use the laptops once a fortnight. In Year 1 we are slowly familiarising ourselves with some technical terminology, navigating the desktop, selecting and opening apps and understanding the start-up bar. We are concurrently reading and responding to the most amazing literature with an Aboriginal cultural focus.
Year 2 have been showing an amazing adeptness at fact finding. This week we looked at Sea Week which is a week to educate and look at the problematic plastic pollution that is chocking our oceans. Huge shout out to Hudson, Harlen and Dallas who were so concerned with this issue that they decided to put on their engineer hats on and designed a system that can help clean our oceans.
Recess club: It has been so heart-warming to see and catch up with so many students that love to spend their recess in the library. From those that love a good mental chess challenge, to those that prefer the mindfulness that colouring can create. All are very welcome!
Do not forget library borrowing day is on Thursday. Let’s make sure books are returned so that more books can be borrowed.
“Books are your ticket to the whole world. They are a free ticket to the entire earth.” Billy Connolly
Happy Reading,
Miss Covita, Teacher Librarian.
EALD at Holy Spirit Infants
EALD stand for English as a Second Language and Dialect. Here at Holy Spirit Infants, we are lucky to have a fantastic mix of students who come from a variety of different cultural backgrounds. With this brings some very clever students who are on their bilingual journey, working towards becoming fluent in two languages! All of our students do such a fantastic job in assisting them with their journey. Thanks to our school community for embracing such inclusivity.
Harmony day is once again at our doorstep, a day that celebrates Harmony and acceptance within our community.
Tuesday 21st March -Wear Orange or Rainbow!
The theme for Harmony day 2023 is "Everyone Belongs". Harmony Day is a day to celebrate Australian multiculturalism. It is about exclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of cultural or linguistic background, united by a set of core Australian values.
On Tuesday the 21st of March we will have our main Harmony Day Celebrations. All students will participate in a range of activities including crafts, games, songs and stories that celebrate the wonderful cultural diversity we have in Australia and at Holy Spirit. This day will be an out of uniform day where students are encouraged to wear orange or rainbow colours. Orange is the representative colour of Harmony day. It signifies social communication and meaningful conversations. It also relates to the freedom of ideas and encouragement of mutual respect. If you do not have any orange clothes for your child to wear on this day, please wear rainbow colours. Singlets are not acceptable. A hat and sneakers are a must. Let's brighten up our playground on this day!
Mrs Fredsall, EALD Teacher
Aboriginal Education News
The Maitland Regional Art Gallery is hosting a range of free Aboriginal art exhibitions in the coming months.
The Kungka Kunpu (Strong Women) showcase is being held from the 4th March to 21st May 2023. The showcase consists of contemporary works by celebrated women artists. Working both individually and collaboratively, these women share an irrepressible desire to create ground-breaking works, deeply embedded with cultural knowledge and rich in ceremonial song and performance. The exhibition reflects the adaptive genius, energy and dynamism of Anangu culture and the inspiring tale of women supporting each other across generations.
Toby Cedar, a Torres Strait Islander and now Maitland local, is also showcasing his artwork at The Maitland Regional Art Gallery from 18thMarch to 28th May 2023. Toby finds deep connection between art, community and culture. Toby’s exhibition will present new works celebrating Eastern Islands Culture by way of traditional and contemporary art forms. As well as surveying traditional histories of masks, headdresses, myths and legends. Toby brings these stories to life through sculpture, carvings, dance and new technologies.
If you get the chance, please pop in and check out this local exhibition.
Ashlee Edwards, ATSI Teacher
Easter Raffle Tickets and Donations
Thank you to those families who have already sent in Easter eggs for the Easter raffle. Donated items to be sent to the office. Tickets will be onsale from Monday 13th March on the QKR app.
Awards: Congratulations to...
Week 6 & 7 Class Awards
Canteen News
Just a reminder to send your lunch wallet in on Friday if you have a lunch order.
Please click on the link below if you would like to volunteer at our school. When you are approved you will be notified by the school office.
Thank you
Dates for your Diary
Community News
Unless otherwise stated, the advertisements placed in this newsletter are placed by independent third parties who have no legal relationship with the Diocese. The activities or services of the advertisers are not supervised or controlled in any way by the Diocese. The Diocese is not in a position to endorse the advertisers or the services provided and makes no representation about those matters. Accordingly, the Diocese cannot accept any responsibility for the advertisers or the activities or services that are the subject of these advertisements.