13th October 2022
Acting Principals News
Welcome back to Term 4 for 2022! I hope you all had an enjoyable break over the Spring holidays. It was lovely to see the students return to school on Monday dressed in their full Summer uniform.
This term we welcome Mrs Jessica Daley who will be working across different classes in our school and two new students to Year 2, Ben and Angelyn. I’m sure the Holy Spirit Infants Abermain community will make them feel welcome.
“Joy” Showcase
Last term we held our Showcase “Joy”. Judging by the smiles on the faces of our students and the look of pride on the faces of our parents, it was a very successful evening. Our students certainly shone as they shared their singing and dancing talents with the audience.
Joy Showcase
“Zooom” Performance
On Wednesday our students went to Cessnock Performing Arts Centre to see the performance “Zooom”. The show was about darkness turning into light. The solo artist and visual effects captivated the attention of our students from beginning to end.
“I loved the lights and first dance party.” - Parker F, Year 2
“I like how the dad said to go to bed, but she didn’t!” Grace, Year 2
“She drew a human with the light!” Lyla, Year 2
Kind Regards, Rebecca Kearns, Acting Principal.
Zooom Performance Whole School Excursion
Acting Assistant Principal News
Welcome to Term 4!
This term promises to be a busy and exciting term for us all. Thank you for your continued commitment and support with home reading. Today we travelled by bus to an amazing performance, it was wonderful to see the delight and wonder on the face of each, and every student.
Our school is a Positive Behaviour for Learning school. The PBL framework assists schools to improve social, emotional, behavioural, and academic outcomes for children and young people.
When PBL is implemented well, teachers and students have more time to focus on relationships and classroom instruction. Students and staff benefit from:
· reduced problem behaviour
· increased time focused on instruction
· improved social-emotional wellbeing
· positive and respectful relationships among students and staff
· support for teachers to teach, model and respond effectively to student need
· a predictable learning environment where staff and students know what is expected to deliver effective practices that can be sustained over time.
This fortnight we are focusing on responsibility, that’s right we are focusing on the need for students to be responsible for their own belongings and resources used in and around our classrooms. Belongings can include school hats, school jumpers and jackets and water bottles. We encourage everyone to label their belongings so that expensive uniform items can be returned to their rightful owners. This week teachers will share a slide show with classes highlighting the need to look after one’s belongings and our classes will discuss ways in which we can all take responsibility.
As the pedagogical mentor I would like to take this opportunity to again stress the importance of home reading, ten minutes daily may not seem a great amount of time to you but the difference it makes is astronomical in your child’s lifetime as seen by this graphic. Even the repetitive review of tricky words builds confidence in your children, these tricky words are the everyday building blocks of reading and allow your children to read with fluency and ease. Happy reading 😊
Thank you
Heather Porter, Acting Assistant Principal
Sharing Our Faith
Catholic Mission Socktober Event
On Friday 21st October we will be holding our Socktober event to raise funds for Catholic Mission. Students are invited to wear crazy socks on this day for a gold coin donation. The rest of their school uniform is to be normal. Students will learn about where their money will be going to and who they are supporting in Ethiopia, as well as participating in a coin line with their coins they have been collecting over the past term.
Parish Mass
On Friday 21st October, our Year 2 students will be attending the parish mass in the morning at St. Francis Xavier’s Abermain. It will be a great opportunity for them to experience mass together with the parish community and gain a deeper understanding of the mass.
Mass is regularly on a Friday at 9:15am in the Church and everyone is always welcome to attend.
Fruit of the Spirit
Our Fruit of the Spirit for the next two weeks is Joy. It is all about how God can help us choose to have a happy heart, to be thankful for the many blessings in our lives and to focus on the good things.
Grandparents Day
On Friday 28th October we will be celebrating our Grandparents and Grandfriends for Grandparents Day which is celebrated on Sunday 30th October. We will have a liturgy in the Church at 1:00pm followed by afternoon tea with scones and tea/coffee. An invitation will go out this week which needs to be returned by Friday 21st October so we know numbers for catering purposes. We look forward to celebrating with you all!
Parish Mass times
Saturday 22nd October
9am Mass St. Joseph’s Cessnock
6pm Mass St. Joseph’s Cessnock
Sunday 23rd October
8:30am Mass – Holy Spirit Kurri Kurri
10:30am Mass St Joseph’s Cessnock
4:30pm Mass St. Francis Xavier’s Abermain
Yours in faith,
Miss Jessica Laczkowski
Religious Education Coordinator
Office News
Hats and Library Bags
Hats and library bags are always available for purchase at the office. Hats are $14 and library bags are $12. You can also purchase these items on the QKR app.
School Fee Statements
Fee statements were emailed to parents on Tuesday. Prompt payment of school fees is expected and appreciated. BPAY is the preferred method of school fee payment. Excursions and incursions are included in the annual school fee account as part of the resource fee.
Updating your Information
If you have changed your details, address, phone etc please advise us admin@abermain.catholic.edu.au so that we can update your information on Compass.
Want to volunteer at our school?
Please click on the link to start the process
Transition Dates 2023
Kindergarten 2023
Friday 14th October is our first Kinder 2023 transition visit. Students have received a flyer outlining the dates and times for further transition visits. Each visit is compulsory (unless your child is unwell) and we look forward to our teachers and staff being able to spend some more time and get to know our incoming students.
Transition session dates are:
Friday 14th October
Tuesday 18th October
Tuesday 26th October
Monday 7th November
Year 3 2023
We will know what the date for Year 2 is transitioning to Year 3 soon and will share with families as soon as we know. A reminder to please send any outstanding enrolment forms to Abermain as soon as possible.
The fee clearance statements required for enrolment will be sent directly to Kurri on your behalf.
Student Travel - plan ahead for 2023
Library News
Book Club
Issue 7 of book club will close on Thursday 27th October. All orders must be placed online through Scholastic LOOP. Thank you for your continued support.
Awards: Term 3 Week 9 & 10 Congratulations to.....
Canteen News
Thank you to our wonderful volunteers who generously give of their time to support our school. The new roster has been distributed to the helpers. Canteen will continue to operate on Fridays with our first canteen day being next week 21st October.
Menu change - Cheese and vegemite scrolls are now unavailable, we have replaced them with a ham and cheese breadroll now available on the QKR app.
Dates for your Diary
Dates for your Diary:
14th October - Kindergarten 2023 Transition 1 9:30- 10:30
18th October - Kindergarten 2023 Transition 2 9:30- 10:30
21st October - Crazy Sock Day
25th October - Kindergarten 2023 Transition 3 9:30- 10:30
28th October - Grandparents Day Liturgy and Celebrations 1:00 pm
7th November - Kindergarten 2023 Transition 4 9:30-11:00
14th November - Pupil Free Day - Staff Development Day to Focus on New English Syllabus
Community News
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