23rd June 2022
Principal News
Jesus, help us to see your face in the eyes of every homeless person we meet so that we may be empowered through word and deed, and through the political means we have, to bring justice and peace to those who are homeless. Amen.
Dear Parents and Carers,
Today our students are wearing their pyjamas and enjoying a warm hot chocolate with an optional marshmallow. The reason? So that we can raise awareness and some financial support for the St Vincent De Paul Society who will then distribute what we raise to those in need in our local community. Children have such joy filled hearts and are generous givers. Our school is all about developing empathy in our early learners and inviting them to begin to understand that there are many people in our world, especially in war torn Ukraine, who are experiencing homelessness or displacement. In our community there are families who are stressed about rising electricty, fuel and food prices and the potential impact this may have. We thank you for your support to foster kindness and compassion in our students as we encourage them to think of others as Jesus taught us to do. Thank you for your support.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Thank you to all parents/carers who have booked a meeting with their child/children's teachers over the next week. Our teachers are looking forward to sharing with you your child's learning successes so far and any areas for development. If you have questions, please bring those with you. If you missed the booking times on Compass and would like an interview time, please contact the office. Your children have really achieved so many great things this semester and there is much to celebrate! Interviews will usually be held in your child’s classroom. Please bring a jacket as you may need to wait for a short time outside.
Compass Connection
A reminder that at Holy Spirit Infants we utilise Compass as our main tool for communication with families. Please ensure if you update your phone or change your number, that you stay connected with the school by notifying us. If you do experience any issues, kindly contact Dot or Bonney to assist you.
Industrial Action on Thursday 30th June
Current advice from the Independent Teachers Union is that there will be industrial action at our school on Thursday 30th June. This will result in minimal supervision for students as staff may not attend work on this day and classes will not run. When further information comes from the Director of Schools, Mr Gerard Mowbray, I will share it with you. It is important that parents make plans ahead for this likely situation next week.
Staffing for Term 3
We welcome Mrs Rebecca Kearns our Assistant Principal back to Holy Spirit following her maternity leave. Mrs Kearns will be the teacher of Year 2B. We thank Ms Curran for teaching 2 Blue during Term 2. They have been settled and focussed learners. Well done Yr 2 Blue.
Mrs Porter-Kay will be our Pedagogical Mentor for the remainder of the year and will teach 1W four days each week. My sincere thanks to Mrs Porter-Kay for her support in the role of Acting Assistant Principal this semester where she has been a valuable member of the school leadership team. She has provided ongoing mentoring to our Early career teachers in their teaching practice, working alongside them to ensure the best outcomes for all students.
We farewell Miss Lindeboom, who will be leaving us at the end of Term 2. We thank you for teaching 1W and KB part time and for teaching History across some classes this term.
Ms Cook has taught 2W this term and we thank her for her efforts. 2W have certainly enjoyed learning some new hockey skills. I am hoping to be able to update 2W parents as soon as possible about the staffing arrangements for term 3.
Toys at school
A reminder that we strongly discourage students bringing toys to school from home. Many parents/carers may be unaware of the myriad of toys that have been coming to school in the children’s bags lately. Toys coming to school causes lots of social difficulties for our early learners. The child without the toy may be upset and this causes unnecessary emotional conflict whilst the child with the toy may lose it or have it get broken accidentally or get so distracted by it and again, this results in sadness. School is for learning and playing games together, its not the place for Pokemon Cards, old phones or fluffy toys etc please. It is very different if your child is bringing a toy for a special event in their class but as a general rule, please check as they leave. Again, we thank you for your support.
Professional Development Day for Staff Monday 18th July
The first day back next term for students will be Tuesday 19th July as the first day will be pupil free. Our staff will engage in Professional Development that day unpacking the new English syllabus K-2 on site. Our second Staff Development Day will be held on Monday 15th August where staff will engage in adult Faith Formation with Sr Mary Coloe.
Winter Uniform Reminders
We still have over a week of lessons and school days this term and a gentle reminder please about the students' winter uniform. We need your support to discourage the wearing of necklaces, bracelets or hoop/dangly earrings- please ensure your child saves these accessories for wearing on the weekend or the holiday times.
We have noticed quite a few students wearing beanies to school during this cold weather. Whilst we understand the need to keep warm, it is important to note that any beanie worn needs to be in line with our school uniform. This means a plain beanie, with no logos, that is blue or grey. They should not be worn in the classroom.
Long hair does need to be tied up. We do ask that if hair accessories are worn, they are either navy, royal blue or white ribbon/scrunchie. Hair dye, coloured hair or patterned shaving styles have no place in our Infants School setting. Thank you.
Do you have some ideas about our uniform?
It is time for us to review our current uniform and look to include some alternate uniform options for our students. Currently the girls have a summer uniform (dress) and I am keen to investigate the possibility of introducing additional options such as shorts and a blouse for summer. The current sport uniform - the shirt and style of shorts also needs to be reviewed and updated in terms of the materials used and the colours/design.
Changing a uniform takes time as we have a specific consultative process to undertake and any changes would need to be supported by the majority of current parents. A survey needs to be undertaken. Further, any new uniform items would need to be phased in over time and we would work with our supplier to see when items can be made/shipped and able to be purchased.
We currently do not have a formal parent forum where these ideas can be raised and discussed. if you are interested in working with a small group of parents and myself to begin this exploratory process, kindly email or contact me at school before the end of term. I will be delighted to have your help and ideas!!
Kinder 2023 Interviews
Our enrolment interviews for next year are well underway and we plan to send out offers of places on the last day of term. We are planning to hold some informal playgroup sessions in September for new kinders and follow up with our four transition visits to school in October and early November. If any families have not yet returned their paperwork, please so do quickly.
Volunteers for Morning Reading Groups and Lunch time / afternoon Gardening Group
Our teachers would like to invite parents/grandparent helpers in to assist with Reading Groups each morning and we'd also like to start a gardening group next term. Would you be interested? Teachers will send home in Week 1 a list of days and dates across the term when they would like some Reading Helpers. You may like to commit for once a week; once a fortnight or once a month...its all really helpful.
Our Volunteers will need to undertake the process to be able to be on site and working with our children and it can take some time for police checks and wwcc clearances to come through. We are here to help you with applying for these checks and it may be an idea to start that process now. If you'd like to help out in the classrooms, please let us know via email to admin@abermain.catholic.edu.au or give us a phone call and leave your details with preferred days with Dot or Bonney. We welcome our parents and grandparents as partners in learning at Holy Spirit Infants - we have surely missed you these past two years! Please click on the link below to start the process.
I would also like to take the opportunity to thank the parents who volunteered their time to come and cover some reading books for our Year 1 classes in readiness for term 3. It was really helpful.
Term 3 Public Speaking Focus
Next term we will once again have Public Speaking as a focus for developing skills and confidence in our students. Public speaking is a life long skill where students learn to share an opinion, persuade an audience and use humour and other elements when writing and then delivering a speech. The children will learn about the importance of eye contact, stance, gesture and voice projection. As in years prior to the pandemic, we will again host class speeches, then grade speeches and then Stage speeches with finalists being invited to attend the Regional Public Speaking event at a date in early term 4. It’s a great chance for the children to put all those persuasive techniques they use on parents at the checkouts when wanting a treat, to good use.
Sport News
‘This term we partnered with the fabulous staff from Cessnock Basketball and the students have thoroughly enjoyed their weekly lessons involving skills learnt through fun games. There have been some very fancy moves on show and our sincere thanks to Daniel and Stella for their excellent program. The students’ have grown in self confidence and hand eye coordination through this program.
For any interested student, there is a Basketball Skills Workshop being held at Cessnock Basketball Stadium in the upcoming school holidays which is suitable for our students. Please see the flyer later in this newsletter.
Regional Athletics Carnival:
On Friday we have a team of six students attending the All Saints Regional Athletics Carnival at Maitland Athletics Track. Our congratulations to Aymon Lee; Tyreze Kiyega; Lance Dela Gente; Macy Bauer; Estelle Palmer and Grace Sharpe who will all compete in the 8 yrs 100m sprint. Tyreze also qualified for the Junior Boys 800m event. Ms Murphy will attend as the Team Manager and we look forward to a great day.
Next term the children will enjoy dance for their sport. We are working with Montana Doyle who was our dance instructor in 2021. Sadly, due to covid, we were unable to hold our performance but we are looking to be able to share with you a special showcase of dance this year. Details to come. At the time of publishing, the sport day will remain as Wednesdays.
Building Works
We are almost there! The temporary fencing on the playground has been taken away today and the grass is slowly growing. The children are enjoying the new space and we look forward to being able to utilise the steps and new shade for outdoor learning.
A new handrail and steps have been completed at the side of the hall as well. It is now safe for students and staff to use the new steps.
Our administration block is almost complete. We are waiting on some film to come to be placed on the glass doors for privacy. The design is stunning and hopefully will be complete by the start of next term.
Our sincere thanks to John Killalea and his team for their excellent workmanship and to the Catholic Schools Office and the Diocese for investing in our beautiful school. Our students and staff deserve the very best facilities!
We are planning a special blessing by Fr James and will keep you informed of when this will take place.
We have so much to look forward to in Semester 2. Have a wonderful week ahead and we hope the children all enjoy the upcoming school holiday winter break and return to school relaxed and refreshed for term 3. If any parent/carers would like to touch base about anything that you think we could be doing better or any ideas you may have, please contact me at the school.
May the peace of Christ be with you,
Diane Murphy
Please click on the link to register as a volunteer: Volunteer Registration Form
Commissioning of our Newest School Leader
On Thursday 16th June, we welcomed our newest member to our School Leadership Team, Estelle Palmer. We congratulate her and wish her well in this new role in our school.
Acting Assistant Principal News
Term 2 has been a term filled with excitement and achievements! Reports are finally home. We look forward to sharing this essential information and providing you with an insight into your child’s education, as we meet with you across this week and next in our parent teacher conferences.
Our school is a Positive Behaviour for Learning School. The PBL framework assists schools to improve social, emotional, behavioural, and academic outcomes for children and young people.
Our Positive Behaviour for learning focus in weeks 7 and 8 was ‘I use safe hands, safe feet, and safe words’ This focus contributes to becoming a safe and respectful person and learner. We taught the children that by keeping their hands and feet to themselves, we are keeping each other safe.
In week 9 and 10 we are focusing on “I walk on tar, concrete and around buildings.” Focusing, on this aspect of school life keeps our students safe and prevents accidents in the playground. On Monday afternoon I had the pleasure of watching both Kinder classes walk quietly and safely around the school, both classes were walking in two very uniform lines. Well done KB and KW
Each Monday the teachers introduce the PBL at morning assembly. In class time we talk about what this focus looks like and how we can show apply theses skills in different situations across the school. The following Monday a class reinforces this message by role playing the PBL focus, we look forward to KB sharing their ideas on Monday morning.
When children are seen or heard following the PBL, they can receive Gotchas and select children who consistently follow this PBL focus are awarded with merit certificates at assembly.
Sporting Schools Grant: Basketball
As Term 2 draws to an end, I would truly like to thank Fit4 Kids and our very special guest from Cessnock Basketball for their amazing, engaging and very energized PE lessons every week. Seeing the joy on students faces as they participate in their weekly basketball lesson, has been a pleasure to watch. Listening to the laughing and competitive spirit has been uplifting and inspiring. Even better than that, has been observing students playing at lunch and recess showing off their newfound skills, dribbling, passing, and scoring hoops. The school is very grateful for our Sporting School Grant to help fund such worthwhile opportunities.
Many blessings and wishes for good health and safety during our holiday break.
Mrs Porter-Kay
Acting Assistant Principal.
Sharing Our Faith
A Prayer of Giving
Lord I give you my mouth, help me to speak from the heart
Lord I give you my hands, help me to give, receive and build
Lord I give you my eyes, help me to see what is going on
Lord I give you my ears, help me to listen for cries of help
Lord I give you my feet, help me to make
the effort to get to people
Lord I give you my heart, help me to show love
Lord you love us so much, help us to remember that by using
our heart it keeps others heart’s alive with love.
(By St Joseph’s Primary School, Tweed Heads)
St. Vincent de Paul Pyjama Day
This week, we had our St. Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal Fundraiser at Holy Spirit. For a gold coin donation students were able to wear pyjamas to school, with all proceeds going towards supporting those who are less fortunate than us. The children enjoyed a hot chocolate with marshmallows at Recess which was a perfect treat with this cold weather!
As a school we raised $321.85 to go towards the St. Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal. Well done everyone!
Check out all the fun we had below.
St. Vincent de Paul Pyjama Day Gallery
Why do we fundraise?
I often find people wondering about the purpose of our fundraising and as Catholics what teachings underpin this. Catholic Social Teaching is the part of Catholic teaching that addresses matters of social, economic and ecological justice in the world. It is grounded in Scripture, tradition, reason and experience.
Catholic Social Teaching outlines the
Church’s vision of a just society that
is grounded in the Bible.
– Australian Catholic Social Justice Council
It offers a way for us to:
SEE - look at social justice issues affecting our community
JUDGE - understanding what is happening and why it is happening
ACT - discerning the actions needed to respond and carrying them out
The Catholic Social Teachings are described below in easy to understand language for children. Through our latest fundraiser for St. Vincent de Paul, we are addressing the Catholic Social Teaching of caring for those who are poor and vulnerable.
Vineyards Region Mass Times
Please find below the mass times for the Vineyards Region:
Saturday 25th June
9:00am Mass - St. Joseph's, Cessnock
6:00pm Vigil Mass - St. Joseph's, Cessnock
Sunday 26th June
8:30am Mass - Holy Spirit, Kurri Kurri
10:30am Mass - St. Jospeh's, Cessnock
4:30pm Mass - St. Francis Xavier's, Abermain
Yours in faith,
Miss Jessica Laczkowski
Religious Education Coordinator
Healthy Habits
Canteen News
Thank you to our volunteers who have continued to give of their time so that we can have the canteen operational. We thank you for your generosity. The canteen will continue to operate on Fridays in Term 3.
Dates for your Diary
Community News
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