Term 1 Week 3 2021
Principal News
Dear Parents and Carers,
Its been a delight this week to see how our students are settling into their new classes with their new teachers so well for 2021. It has also been lovely to welcome parents back on site in the morning. Please remember that you are only able to stay for 15 minutes and if your child is having difficulty separating, then perhaps a kiss at the gate (like the children managed so well last year) is the way to go.
There is a wonderful sense of calm and excitement in learning new things across each of our classes. Thank you to all our parents and carers for sending your children to school looking so smart in their uniforms. Wearing our uniform creates a sense of school pride and belonging. Thank you for ensuring your child is at school on time each day. It can be hard to build a child’s self confidence and sense of security if they are arriving late to their classroom when the learning has already begun.
In every classroom our teachers and Learning Support Assistants are spending time getting to know each child. It is important for a child’s wellbeing that they feel they belong and they feel nurtured and safe. Once this is achieved, then learning is effective. A special welcome to all our Kinder families and to our new families of students in Year 1 – Emily, Lucas and Heart. We have 43 new families in Kinder with another ten children are existing families. We are so happy you are part of our community.
In Kindergarten the children are spending each morning engaged in play. Through the many wonderful provocations Ms Scott, Mrs Porter and Miss Orrett have set up for the students to explore, we see deep engagement, collaboration, problem solving, communication, self determination, decision making among other important skills. In this play setting, the Kinder students are interacting with one another freely and getting to know each other whilst being relaxed and having fun! Our teachers are observing the play and getting to know the children as individuals and having valuable conversations with one another. The learning that is taking place is terrific. Successful Foundations is about ensuring a positive and smooth transition to school. Play is also being explored more in Year 1 this year with provocations in science, geography and maths to encourage interactions and this initiative is working well.
At Holy Spirit Infants our philosophy of Early Learning is that Play is a valuable process that can have powerful intellectual and physical benefits for the child.
Starting anything new comes with both excitement and challenges. Starting school is a milestone in a child’s life and at Holy Spirit we want to make sure we are supporting every child to be successful.
“Children’s mental health and well-being is supported when staff and families work together to enable children to have positive goodbyes - this could be achieved through such actions as:
- Gradually build up your child’s experiences of separation so that they feel safe and reassured.
• Spend extra time with your child when you reunite to reconnect again.
• Allow children to express their distress, acknowledge the child’s feelings and avoid labelling or criticising.
• Talk with your child about what you can do when you see each other again.
• Increase the child’s feelings of safety and connectedness by bringing a familiar toy or photo from home.
• Talk with your child about their day and what they enjoyed.”
Opening School Liturgy
Today we celebrated our opening school liturgy in an outdoor space which was made very beautiful by the children within the liturgy as they brought forward some items to represent life at Holy Spirit School. We were able to welcome the parents of our Year 2 Leadership Team to join us which was wonderful.
We also commissioned our student leadership team for 2021:
Scarlett Crouch, Xanthie Smith, Isabelle Mahomet, Harper Nevin, Henry O’Brien and Kade Power. The leaders gave their pledge to help everyone at Holy Spirit and to be kind and caring to others. A very special liturgy with amazing singing and the students were so well behaved! Thanks Miss Scott and staff for your work behind the scenes today. We are indeed a blessed community and I was a very proud Principal.
Student Awards
This week we began our Award presentations to our students. We have Merit Awards one week and the following week we have PBL (behaviour) awards, Fruit of the Spirit Awards (focusing on our faith virtues) and the Principal Awards. Our Year 2 Student Leaders conduct these assemblies and they had their first go this week. Great job boys and girls! In the future we do hope to be able to invite parents to stay for the awards but not yet. Please celebrate your child’s achievements- big or small these awards build confidence and a growth mindset.
Meet the Teacher Evening
On Tuesday 23rd February we invite KINDER parents and carers to come along to our “Meet the Teacher” Information Evening. This year we will have strict Covid19 protocols to follow and we ask that only one parent from each child please attend.
KW parents will meet in the KW classroom (with parents socially distancing) at 5.30pm.
Parents from KW will need to exit the classroom at 6pm and exit the school via the double gates please.
KB parents will meet in the KB classroom (with parents socially distancing) from 6.05pm entering via the front gate. Then parents will exit via the front gate 30 mins later.
All three kinder teachers will be present at each meeting. Please be mindful that this is not the time for a quick chat with your child’s teacher, we are sorry there isn’t time. We will however provide paper for parents who request an interview to record their name and the teachers will respond individually to your request and create a suitable time. We appreciate your understanding. This is a really important event and we hope to see you there!
For our Yr 1 classes and Yr 2 classes our teachers are preparing a presentation which we will send to you to view at home. If you would like to have an interview with your child’s teacher, please email the school so that we can arrange for this to happen. One of our difficulties is around space with the Covid19 health restrictions around meeting times. Again, we thank you for your understanding.
What’s Happening at HSIA…
In coming newsletters we will shine a spotlight on one class and share with you some of the great learning happening both indoors and outdoors at Holy Spirit. You will be amazed!
Exciting News for 2021…
We are going to undergo another building program this year. We are thrilled that our school will have a refurbishment of our current administration block and staff facilities. We are also hoping that our plans for a covered outdoor learning space, which would also allow access to the bathrooms for our Year 2 students will soon be approved. Both projects will naturally involve some disruption to the school especially as we will relocate the admin offices temporarily however there should be minimal disruption to learning. I met with the architects and Interior designers yesterday and it was very exciting indeed. Our staff and students will be receiving an upgraded space for which we are very appreciative.
Have a wonderful week and remember we are here to support and assist your child have a successful start to school,
Kind Regards
Diane Murphy
Opening School Liturgy
Acting Assistant Principal News
To all of our Holy Spirit Community,
Welcome to the start of the 2021 school year at Holy Spirit Infants School.
I hope you enjoyed a wonderful break and you have returned back re-energised and ready to start the new year. A very warm welcome to all members of our school community, particularly to our Kindergarten students and their families and also to a number of new students who have commenced in years 1 and 2.
The new school year promises to be successful and positive. It was a joy for me to see so many happy and smiling faces on the first day back. It has been a busy start to the year with many rewards and exciting upcoming events planned for our school. All planned events are on the Compass Calendar which you can see. If you are having trouble accessing Compass please see our school secretaries Dot (Monday-Thursday) or Lesley (Friday) for support.
My role this year is Acting Assistant Principal and Kindergarten teacher. If at any time you wish to discuss any aspect of school life with me, my executive office day is every Wednesday which I will be available for appointment. You can arrange a time to meet via phone call to the school or alternatively my email courtney.porter@mn.catholic.edu.au
Play is the Way! Our school is one of many schools to collaborate with Kim Moroney, Education Officer-Early Learning (Catholic Schools Office, Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle) and Dr Cathie Harrison (Australian Catholic University) to provide a series of open-ended play experiences for learning and wellbeing in the first hour of the day over the first five weeks of Kindergarten (weeks 2-7).
This year Successful Foundations extends through to Year 1, where students are invited to engage with open ended play based provocations to extend their thinking and to provide a successful transition to year 1.
Successful Foundations is based on declarations, which are belief statements about children. The declarations are the foundation of the Early Learning Policy for all primary schools in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle, as listed below.
The Kindergarten and Year 1 teachers are excited about this initiative and are looking forward to sharing with you their discoveries.
A more detailed note about Successful Foundations was sent home to all kindergarten families yesterday via Compass. If you have any questions about this initiative please ask the Kindergarten teachers- myself, Meagan Scott or Kristen Orrett.
Thank you,
Courtney Porter
Acting Assistant Principal
Successful Foundations
Our school is a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) School. PBL brings together the whole-school community to contribute to developing a positive, safe and supportive learning culture.
The framework assists schools to improve social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for children and young people.
When PBL is implemented well, teachers and students have more time to focus on relationships and classroom instruction. Students and staff benefit from:
- reduced problem behaviour
- increased time focused on instruction
- improved social-emotional wellbeing
- positive and respectful relationships among students and staff
- support for teachers to teach, model and respond effectively to student need
- a predictable learning environment where staff and students know what is expected to deliver effective practices that can be sustained over time.
Our Positive Behaviour for learning focus for weeks 3 and 4 is ‘I say please and thank you!’ This focus contributes to becoming a positive learner.
Each Monday the teachers introduce the PBL at morning assembly. In class time we talk about what this focus looks like and how we can show manners in different situations across the school. The following Monday a class reinforces this message by role playing the PBL focus.
When children are seen or heard saying please and thank you they receive Gotchas and select children who consistently follow this PBL focus are awarded with merit certificates at assembly.
Why is good attendance and punctuality important?
Education lays the vital foundations of a child’s life. Regular and punctual attendance at school is key to both academic and social development.
What does 90% attendance mean?
90% attendance = ½ school day missed every week!
One school year at 90% attendance = 4 weeks of learning missed!
Over 5 school years of school = ½ school year missed!
Punctuality Matters too! Missed minutes = missed learning = missed opportunities!
As a school, we are aware lateness can severely affect achievement. We monitor punctuality closely and have strategies in place to address lateness.
Teachers mark their rolls at 9.00am and all pupils are expected to be in their room at this time. Pupils arriving after this time will be marked as absent and will need to be signed in at the Kiosk.
If your child has a medical appointment, please try to make this appointment before or after school.
Our school has a strict ‘no hat- play in the shade’ policy that adheres to a Sun Smart school. Every child is expected to wear a hat every day at school. We do not have spare hats or share hats at school.
If your child forgets or misplaces their hat, there are shady spaces the students can play in at school. Please be reminded to label hats as they are the most commonly misplaced item. If your child needs a new hat, they can be purchased from the school office for $12. As the weather warms up they may apply sun cream (bought from home) or wear sunglasses while playing.
We have a number of students who have life threatening anaphylactic allergic reactions to nuts. We would like to encourage families NOT to send these products to school with their children. We also encourage children NOT to share food at school.
Acting REC Update
Prayer for Families
Heavenly Father
Please bless our families with your love and protect us from harm. Give us grace to forgive, strength to overcome the difficulties we face, and keep us together when the world tries to pull us apart . In Jesus Name, Amen.
Welcome to 2021 school year! Over the break, I hope everyone experienced the joy of Christmas, spending time with loved ones and had a positive start to the New Year.
This year I am privileged to take upon the role of Acting REC. May 2021 bring us many blessings and may we continue to walk together with our God and one another, strengthening relationships, throughout the year.
Throughout the year children’s religious class work may be shown in the newsletter, school foyer and display boards around the school. These spaces will give a snapshot of your child is learning.
On Thursday 11th February we celebrated our Opening School Liturgy under the Cola. This occasion saw our Year 2 leaders receive their badges. It was wonderful to welcome new students and staff members and, most importantly, ask for God’s blessing on our year of learning and growth!
Each fortnight students will learn more about the Fruits of the Holy Spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
We begin our school year focussing on ‘kindness’. At our morning assembly we discussed how kindness is contagious and what kindness looks like at Holy Spirit Infants.
Enrolments are now being taken for the Sacramental Program in 2021.
Please call M’Liss or Monique at the Parish Office (49901551) to register your child’s name for Reconciliation, Confirmation or First Communion. If you know someone who would be interested in preparing for the Sacraments, please pass on these details to them.
Meagan Scott
Acting Religious Education Coordinator
School Fees 2021
Billing of school fees this year will be generated in mid February and a statement will be sent to each family. Your fee statement will be an annual account. When you receive your statement, instalment payments can be made either weekly, fortnightly, monthly or per quarter to suit your family budget.
The TUITION FEES per child in 2021 in K-6: Full Year: $1293.00. See flyer regarding 2021 Fee Structure.
Sibling Discounts apply for Tuition Fee ONLY.
1 Child Family: Full rate to be applied.
2 Child Family: 15% reduction each child.
3 Child Family: 25% reduction each child.
4 Child Family: 50% reduction each child
5+ Child family 50% reduction each child
Health Care Card/Pension Card Concession if applicable 50%
Included on your fee statement are Tuition Fees, Resource Fee, Diocesan Family School Building Levy, Technology Fee, Maintenance Fee, Excursions, and Incursions. Also included is the voluntary Diocesan Pastoral Contribution. Please note that if at any time you wish to discuss your school fee commitment at Holy Spirit Infants, please contact the office to arrange an appointment to discuss your options.
Payment Options payments may be made by cash, EFTPOS, BPAY, monthly credit card payment or direct debit. The BPAY reference number in the top right corner of the statement is unique to your family (fee payer) and to our school.
Direct Debits: If you had an arrangement in 2020 and it has been suspended over the Christmas holidays, you will need to recommence the arrangement for 2021 Come to the school office so that a new calculation can be made to cover 2021 fees.
Credit Card Payment: You can arrange for a monthly credit card payment to be processed. You can nominate your preferred day for the payment to be made, or if no day is nominated, payments will be processed approximately 20th of each month. 10 instalments will be actioned at your request. See flyer below
Health Care/Pension Card—parents with a valid Health care/Pension Card are entitled to a reduction in student tuition fees. If you are entitled to a reduction in 2021, please bring your current Health Care/Pension Card to the office where appropriate forms will be completed and adjustments made to your account. Please note that all fee payers who have a current Health Care Card/Pension card need to fill in new forms each year.
The 50% Health Care Card /Pension Card Concession is calculated to Full Rate of Tuition Fees for each eligible child in a family attending Diocesan Catholic Schools.
Dot Seamer, Clerical Officer.
Guardians of all our new students should have access to Compass. It is important that you download the app, use the password given to you (via the letter received from school) and then change the given password to one that you will remember.
Most of our school communication is done through compass. You may still receive some paper notes via student note folders when permission slips are required to be signed and returned to school. Newsletters are also distributed via Compass. If you would like the Newsletter to be emailed to you, please ring the school and provide this information.
If your child is absent from school, you may record this via the Compass app also. Please be mindful of choosing the correct day/date when doing this as you can record an absence from a previous day or for a date in the future. An alert will be sent to your mobile if your child is not present at school and the absence has not been explained.
At the end of Term 2 and Term 4, school reports are also sent out via Compass. They are not printed off and sent home.
If you are a guardian of a child and have not been given access to Compass or are having problems with connecting to or using the Compass app, please come and see Dot or Lesley in the office for assistance.
Pupil Free Day
We will be having a Pupil Free Day for the purpose of Staff Training in Child Protection by The Office of Safeguarding. This is mandatory training for all staff at our school and therefore, school will be closed Monday 1st March 2021.
Please make arrangements for your child.St Nic's OOSH has some places available for care for the day. Holy Spirit Kurri Kurri will also be closed that same day.
Successful Swimmers from Abermain
Great News!
This week some of our 8 year olds competed at the Holy Spirit Primary School on Tuesday 2nd February at Kurri pool. Congratulations to all our young swimmers for doing their best on the day! We are proud of you!
Special mention to the following swimmers who have been successful in their heats and will now represent Holy Spirit Schools at the All Saints Regional Carnival on Tuesday 16th February at East Maitland Pool.
Well done to:
Scarlett Crouch and Xanthie Smith 8 yrs girls 50 m Freestyle
Hudson Lowe and Henry O'Brien 8 yrs boys 50m Freestyle
A great Good News story for our school! Well Done boys and girls!
Library News
Issue 1 of Book Club will close on Thursday 18th February.
All orders are to be placed online using the Scholastic loop option.
Scholastic Book Club
The best gift any parent can give a child is the love of books and the joy and benefits of independent reading for fun. Children who read at home, or are read to, have a head start on reading success in school.
Our class is participating in Scholastic Book Club this year. Up to twice a term, during the school year, I will send home a Club catalogue with a different selection of books offered for all ages.
You’ll find award-winning books and bestsellers, as well as old and new favourites. I recommend them because the books span a wide range of children’s reading levels and interests and because they are inexpensive (some books cost as little as $2).
It is easy to order. The Book Club LOOP platform for parents allows you to pay by credit card. Your child’s order is submitted directly to school safe and sound and the books will be delivered to class. You can place your child’s order at scholastic.com.au/LOOP or using the LOOP app, which can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play.
Owning your own books is something special! I hope that you will encourage your child to order books this year. Each order helps earn free books and teaching materials for our classroom, however there is never any obligation to order. I know of no better way to encourage reading than to allow children to choose the books they want to read.
No money for book club purchases will be accepted at school.
1 White Dally, Layla, Parker
1 Blue Travis, Tylan, Mia M
2 White Kaitlin , Xanthie, Zac
2 Blue Samuel, Scarlett, Aiden
Federation of Parents and Friends
Thank you to all of our volunteers. Our canteen will resume on Mondays and Fridays in 2021 with the first day for canteen on Friday 19th February. Thank you to Loralee Bliss who is now an additional canteen organiser/contact.
In 2021 we will be introducing the use of the Qkr app. This will be a secure and easy way for you to order and pay for your child's lunch. Ordering on the school QKR app is preferred. The cut off time for ordering is 8.30 am on canteen days. However, if you have technology issues, you can send in your lunch order and the correct money in a paper bag or lunch bag. Ice blocks will be for sale at lunch time only using cash.
See the following for more information on QKR and our Canteen Menu.
Dates for your Diary
11th February | Opening School Liturgy 12 noon Parents by invitation only. Thank you. |
16th February | Regional Swimming Carnival. East Maitland Pool. |
17th February | Ash Wednesday |
19th February | Canteen reopens |
23rd February | Meet the Teacher Evening- Kinder Parents Only 5.30 KB and 6.05pm KW. Year 1 & 2 Families will receive a presentation to view. |
1st March | PUPIL FREE DAY - Staff Professional Development Day No classes will be held on this day |
3rd March | Cricket Australia Visit |
19th March | Feast of St Joseph |
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St Nicholas OOSH
Kurri Kurri Preschool Invite
We would like to invite all children who attended Kurri Kurri Preschool last year to attend our BACK TO PRESCHOOL AFTERNOON TEA on Tuesday 23rd February 2021 3.30 to 4.00pm. Please RSVP on 49372110 or admin@kurripreschool.com.au or text 0437211544.
Please note that we will need to restrict it to 1 parent/carer only and if possible no siblings, due to COVID restrictions. If you could bring afternoon tea and a water bottle for your own child only.
We look forward to seeing you all!