28th April 2022
Principals News
We praise you in this Easter season. Change our lives, change our hearts to be messengers of Easter joy and hope. We make our prayer through Jesus Christ, our risen Lord forever.
Dear Parents and Carers,
As we reflect on the events of Holy Week, the Passion of Christ our Lord it's important to realise that Easter isn’t just something we celebrate once a year, but every day we wake to follow Christ. The hope we have in Jesus doesn’t falter amidst a crisis…or even a pandemic. Our hope is set firmly in what has already been accomplished by Jesus’ saving work on the cross …and resurrection. Christians celebrate Easter in remembrance of Jesus’ resurrection from death, three days after being nailed to a cross. The Holy Spirit lives in every believer, because of the events we celebrate at Easter. No longer are we slaves to sin but free through the blood of Jesus. “For God so love the world,” the Apostle John wrote, “that He gave His one and only Son.”
We have had a calm start to the new term and as you are aware we have had some staffing changes. Our Kinder students have all settled in so well to the routines and daily life at Holy Spirit Infants and the joy and excitement they showed these past two mornings was special to see. Through our Successful Foundations approach to play based transition from preschool to our school setting in term one, we have found so many wonderful moments where students have engaged in play both individually and with each other. New friendships have been formed; a great sense of belonging has been established and our teachers feel so fortunate to have been able to spend this time observing and interacting in a relaxed way with every child. Our kinders, your children, are happy and thriving at school. This term we welcome Mr Flynn as the new KW teacher and one kinder child gave me a big "thumbs up" today when I asked how Mr Flynn was going!
Our Year 1 students also engaged in a play based transition into the new stage of their learning, also with great success in term 1. They have also returned to a new term happy to be with their friends. 1W will have Miss Lindeboom teaching with Mrs Porter-Kay this term.
Our Year 2 students are very obviously the leaders in our school now. They also have the special job of being a "Buddy" to our Kinder students and this is a special relationship which continues to grow. We rely on our Year 2 students for demonstrating our PBL and for showing the younger students how to be kind and caring and safe. Year 2B has a new teacher this term, we welcome Ms Bernadette Curran who has worked with 2B previously. On 2W we welcome Ms Jacqui Cook, who is also a hockey teacher and our Year 2 classes enjoyed learning some new skills at sport today. Mrs Collingwood is on leave and will return to work when she is able. We welcome our new Teacher Librarian, Miss Evelyn Covita who has begun excitedly welcoming students into our library. The library will soon be open in the morning two days a week and Ms Covita is very skilled in IT and will run clubs for Minecraft in lunch times when she is at our school. Watch this space!
We look forward to this new term of great learning and to welcoming back to our school our wonderful parents and grandparents more regularly. Our school community has missed having you with us and all the joy that sharing this important role of educating young children in partnership brings.
Wishing everyone a wonderful fortnight and please remember, we are always here to help you in any way.
Diane Murphy
Anzac Day
On 25th April we commemorated ANZAC DAY across our nation. 'ANZAC' stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. On the 25th of April 1915, Australian and New Zealand soldiers formed part of the allied expedition that set out to capture the Gallipoli peninsula. These became known as Anzacs and the pride they took in that name continues to this day. We had our school leaders Macy, Zara, Aymon, Jude and Travis joined by over fifty five students from both Holy Spirit Infants Abermain and Holy Spirit Primary at Kurri march in our local ANZAC DAY march on Monday. Wearing school uniform and marching solemnly and with pride, some students also wore the service medals belonging to a relative eg Dad, Pop, Nan or Great Grand Dad.
At the Cenotaph there was a short service to honour all those service men and women, who served or are currently serving to keep peace in our world. Their sacrifice and the sacrifice of their families, will never be forgotten. Our leaders proudly laid a floral wreath on behalf of the school at the Shrine.
On Thursday at school we will hold a prayer service to commemorate ANZAC Day as a school community. Year 2 will lead this prayer.
Miss Laczkowski and I would like to offer our sincere thanks to all our students who attended on Monday and to their parents and grandparents who proudly supported them to continue the tradition of honouring our service men and women.
Playground Building Works Update
During the holiday break when we weree able to enjoy some sunshine the builders and engineers were on site placing the sandstone bloicks in place in readiness for the pouyring of the concrete for the covered walkway. The roof will be the next thing to be added and soon we will be able to enjoy a covered outdoor learning space and a covered walkway for our students. The grass will need to grow back in time, but it won't be long now until it is finished.
The Administration building refurbishment is nearing completion as we await some film for the glass areas in the foyer. I am very hopeful that we may be able to have a special blessing this term, by our Parish Priest Fr James, of both new facilities which wonderfully enhance our school environment.
Acting Assistant Principal News
A warm welcome to Term 2, your beautiful children are settling well, regulating their bodies back into school life. They have been eager to share their holiday adventures and are all ready to learn.
Our school is a Positive Behaviour for Learning School. The PBL framework assists schools to improve social, emotional, behavioural, and academic outcomes for children and young people.
When PBL is implemented well, teachers and students have more time to focus on relationships and classroom instruction. Students and staff benefit from:
· reduced problem behaviour
· increased time focused on instruction
· improved social-emotional wellbeing
· positive and respectful relationships among students and staff
· support for teachers to teach, model and respond effectively to student need
· a predictable learning environment where staff and students know what is expected to deliver effective practices that can be sustained over time.
Our Positive Behaviour for learning focus for weeks 1 and 2 is ‘I listen carefully’. This focus contributes to becoming a respectful learner. We are teaching the children to use the 6L’s of listening in the classroom. We listen with our whole body; our eyes look at the person talking. We listen carefully with our ears, our mouth is closed, our legs are still, and our hands are resting in our laps. When our whole body is calm and still our heart is ready to learn.
Each Monday the teachers introduce the PBL at morning assembly. In class time we talk about what this focus looks like and how we
can show apply theses skills in different situations across the school. The following Monday a class reinforces this message by role playing the PBL focus.
When children are seen or heard following the PBL, they can receive Gotchas and select children who consistently follow this PBL focus are awarded with merit certificates at assembly.
Generous Donations
Thank you to our families for their generous donations for the Lismore Flood Appeal. Kindergarten cake stall raised $429.00 and Year 1 cake stall $356.65. Total donation was $785.65. Our donation will be part of a significant donation from the schools across our Diocese. A terrific effort by all.
REC News
Holy Week Liturgy
Last term our students led us in a Holy Week liturgy where we saw each stage perform a ritual of the Holy Week events. It was such a joy it was to see the students perform with such reverence and respect. We began each ritual with a prayer and then the scenes from Holy Week. We acknowledge that it is sad for many reasons within our faith but also a joyous occasion to remember the sacrifice that Jesus made.
On Friday, Year 1 will continue the celebration of Easer with a re-enactment of Easter Sunday.
Thank you to all students for their prayerful and reverent response to our Easter Celebrations.
Anzac Day Liturgy
Today (Thursday 28th April) we commemorated Anzac Day with a liturgy. We thank our Year 2 students who led this for us. The students learnt about the sacrifices that our servicemen and women made for our country and paid respect to those serving past and present.
Mother's Day
A reminder we are celebrating our wonderful Mums, Step Mums and Carers on Friday 6th May at 12:30pm. Beginning with a Liturgy we will then have the opportunity to “pamper” our Mums. We look forward to seeing you next Friday!
Office News
Fee statements are emailed monthly to all fee payers with balances owing. Please note this is not a demand for payment, merely an update of your fee status. Thank you to those families who have already paid or have commenced a payment arrangement. In 2022 school fees are invoiced for the full year. Please check your statement carefully and notify the office if you are unsure of the details.
If any family would like a hard copy of their statement please email admin@abermain.catholic.edu.au and a copy will be sent home, next term.
Payments can be made either weekly, fortnightly, monthly or annually. Payment methods are: BPAY (using the details on the upper right-hand side of the fee statement), direct debit (using the application form from the Catholic Development Fund), EFTPOS/credit card.
Please do not use Compass Pay as a method of payment as it attracts hefty administration costs.
Payments should have commenced prior to 31st March and are to be finalised by 30th November 2022.
If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact the school to make an appointment to meet with the principal.
Health Care Card holders are reminded that they will need to provide a copy of their card every year to ensure that a discount is applied to their child’s school fees. A new concession form must also be completed.
Mothers Day Stall
The Mother's Day Stall is planned for Thursday 5th May at the Infants School. If you can spare a couple of hours to assist with the stall and enjoy seeing the smiles of "happy little shoppers" please contact Dot in the office. Assistance will also be required from volunteers early next week to wrap ribbons on the gifts. Can you spare 30 mins to help out?
We will be using QKR for the Mother's Day vouchers in 2022. These will be available from today, under "Special Events" on the QKR app. The little gifts are valued at $5. Limit of 1 voucher per student. (If your family situation requires two gifts for mothers on Mother's Day, please contact Ms Murphy/Mrs Seamer please). There are limited gifts available for Grandmothers - also $5.
The cut off date for ordering the vouchers on QKR is Wednesday 4th May. No cash orders will be accepted as we move to a cashless system. If you have difficulty with the app, or need further information, please contact the office on 49304361 for assistance.
Celebrating our Mothers and those who are like Mums to us
On Friday 6th May we invite mothers, step-mothers, grandmothers and those who love the children like a mother, to come to the church to celebrate Mother's Day. We will have a special liturgy at 12.30pm followed by an afternoon tea shared from the canteen under the cola. Then some special "Pampering Mum" stalls where the children can spoil Mum with special nail art; a hand massage; making some jewellery; play a game together; a photo booth; create an artwork and share a picnic at recess on the grass.
For catering purposes, kindly return the reply slip on the paper invitation coming home on Thursday. We know not all Mums can attend as many of you work. We wish all our mothers a joyful Mother's Day.
Enrolments 2023
The official enrolment period for Kindergarten 2023 is now open. Please contact Holy Spirit Infants School for your enrolment information pack. Office hours are 8:30am – 3:30pm Monday to Friday. Families will be contacted regarding tours, interview times, playgroup opportunities and Transition to School session dates. Consider starting your child's educational journey with us!
Want to be a Volunteer at our school?
We thank you for offering to volunteer at our school. Our canteen requires volunteers so we can continue offering this service to our school. Please click on the link below and complete the online application. Apparently, this only takes about 10 minutes to complete. Once you submit the form the process should take approximately 5 business days to complete. When you are approved you will need to be notified by the school. We thank you for offering your valuable time to volunteer at our school, you are welcome and appreciated.
Please click on the link to register: Volunteer Registration Form
Easter Hat Parade
The last day of term 1 was certainly a special day for Holy Spirit Infants School.
We recalled the events of Holy Week in the church through a liturgy and reenactment shared with us by Kindergarten who sang and waved palms for Palm Sunday when the people welcomed Jesus to Jerusalem. Year 2 students dramatised the events of the Last Supper on Holy Thursday and the crucifixion of our Lord on Good Friday. The children showed their reverence and respect as they, and all our parents and grandparents, exited the church solemnly to the beat of the drum.
We do hope that you all enjoyed a happy and a holy Easter.
This Friday 29th April at 2pm, Year 1 will recall for us the resurrection of Our Lord on Easter Sunday through a liturgy in the church. Parents are welcome to join us.
Following our Holy Week liturgy, the children were delighted to discover the easter bunny had been busy visiting classrooms and leaving a choclate treat for all the children. This was followed by our terrific easter hat parade and we saw some wonderful creations proudly made in class as the music played and the children danced in the parade.
We then held the Easter Raffle draw where we had in execss of 50 prizes to share. Our heartfelt thanks to all families who donated and then purchased tickets in support of our wish to purchase a new "Buddy bench" for the children. A Buddy bench is a great place for children to go and sit if they cannot find their friends or would like a new friend to play with. Our old Buddy Bench had been a great place for the children to sit in the past and our new bench will be arriving soon. We raised $1218.00 through your generous support. Thank you and congratulations to all our winners!
Awards Term 1 Weeks 10 & 11
Congratulations to all our award winners! Thank you for all that you do to make our school great!
Canteen News
Thank you to our volunteers who have given of their time to allow us to open the canteen to our students. We will continue in Term 2 offering this service on Fridays until we get more volunteers.
Community News
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