22nd November 2021
Principals News
Feast of Christ The King
O most awe-inspiring King, we bow before You and pray;
May Your Reign, Your Kingdom, be recognised on earth,
Here in our family, and most especially, In our hearts.
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope that this newsletter finds you well as we move into the final four weeks of this topsy turvy school year. Our plan this term has always been to provide learning experiences and establish classroom and playground routines to ensure every child feels safe and able to flourish back at school. With friendships reconnecting and students and staff so relieved to be able to return to a sense of normality, our school days are filled with students once again doing their best, focusing on their learning and listening to encouraging feedback to continue to improve and achieve highly. The children's stamina is improving as they were often tired by the afternoon session, hence our decision to have gentle, fun afternoon activities. Each afternoon our focus is on student Wellbeing where classes spend time learning through play, social games, creative arts, outdoor sports and story sharing. The children really are responding very positively to our Wellbeing Plan.
We have had another terrific week at Holy Spirit Infants with our surprise Magic Show performed by Joel Howlett to many gasps of excitement and laughter. Our Crazy Sock Day combined with our sport day and Gymnastics lessons. It was a very colourful day and the children engaged fully in all the fun outdoor games that their teachers had planned. Then on Thursday we had another incursion with a performance titled "Music in my suitcase" performed live via zoom. Every class shared how thrilled the children were to hear so many different instruments and to hear singing in so many different languages. Music truly is a universal language!
This week we have planned a focus on healthy foods with our focus being "Fruit and Vegie Week". Ms De Lyall and Ms Orrett have planned some great activities to encourage all children to eat fruit and vegies and to even be brave and try something new this week. The special days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week. Please see details later in this newsletter.
We have planned several other special opportunities for the children to enjoy the rest of the year at Holy Spirit Infants.
Please be sure to check the Dates for your Diary as we have lots of things planned including two presentations for parents from Early Links Staff - Speech Pathologist Presentation and Occupational Therapist Presentation. All parents will be able to join in via a zoom link we will share via Compass.
Staffing Update
We warmly welcome the following new staff members to our Holy Spirit Abermain Team for 2022:
Eliza Frazer is our new school psychologist who will be working at our school one day each week (Tuesdays) in 2022 and will be an invaluable support for both staff and families.
Eliza Fraser as our Senior Counsellor in the CSO Counselling team. Eliza is a Clinical and Educational Psychologist who has worked for the CSO since 2009. Eliza has strong professional expertise particularly in working with primary aged children. Eliza replaces Reet Kabi who after many years of service to students and families is retiring. We are excited to welcome Eliza to our school team.
Jessica Laczkowski has been appointed as our new permanent Religious Education Coordinator from 2022. Jessica replaces Mrs Porter who was the REC. Jessica is coming to join our Abermain team from St Benedict's Edgeworth where she has been the Year 2 teacher in recent years. She is a passionate teacher who is deeply committed to her faith. On a Diocesan level, Jessica is a representative on the Diocesan Council for Ministry with Young People where she assists in organising Diocesan Youth events and has undertaken the role of running a Diocesan Youth Adoration event, Sacred@Seven. In the wider community, she is involved in the St. Vincent de Paul Society Youth initiatives where she is the coordinator for Buddies Days and Kids Camps for those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Jessica is an active member of her own Parish and is keen to be involved in our community. We look forward to welcoming Jessica to Holy Spirit Infants.
Building Work Updates
The Administration block refurbishment is well underway now with internal structural changes taking place. The new configuration of spaces will allow for a more functional work space for staff, an interview space for parents to meet with teachers, executive staff and our school psychologist, a welcoming foyer space and a staffroom where all staff can actually fit.
Phase 2 of the building work is the covered outdoor tiered learning space parallel to the hall. The builders have measured up and ordered posts etc. This work will take place mainly across the school holiday break in January. St Nic's OOSH have made plans to take children via bus daily to other sites whilst the work takes place.
Acting Assistant Principal News
Our school is a Positive Behaviour for Learning school. (PBL) is a whole-school framework that promotes positive behaviour across a school and helps schools develop safe and supportive learning environments. Holy Spirit Infants promotes PBL under 4 categories:
- I am safe
- I am safe
- I am responsible
- I am respectful
- I am a learner
Our school makes sure that all students are explicitly taught the expected behaviours and establish clear and consistent boundaries. Staff take a proactive, preventative approach to ensure all students receive the appropriate level of support to help them to be successful at school. Student outcomes are monitored so identified students can receive additional support when needed, and children who consistently follow the PBL are awarded gotchas.
This week’s PBL is ‘I care for our school environment’ which promotes being a safe learner. This week the children engaged in a lesson where they had to design a poster to care for our environment or write a persuasive paragraph on why we should care for our environment.
Semester Two Reports
As per Catholic Schools NSW and Catholic Education Diocese of Maitland Newcastle advice, our Semester Two reports will be a modified report in response to learning during the delivery of our learning at home framework in Terms 3 and 4, due to COVID19 restrictions.
The Semester Two report is not based on our usual A-E framework. Rather, it is a response to the flexible approach to reporting for remote learning.
This report will be accessed via Compass in week 10. More information about Semester Two reports will be sent home prior to the reports “going live” on Compass. Parents are able to request an interview with their child's teacher to discuss the report.
Fun Day Meal Order
On December 14th we are having a FUN DAY! This is a surprise for the children, so please don’t tell them! As part of this fun day, children can purchase a happy meal from McDonalds which will be delivered to the school. They can choose from a cheeseburger happy meal, 3 nugget happy meal or a 6 nugget happy meal. These orders can be purchased via the Qkr Payment System from today. If you would like for your child to have this special treat, orders can be paid for from today and will be accepted until midnight Friday 10th December. Unfortunately, no late orders will be accepted.
Please install the Qkr App if you haven't already done so. This is the payment platform we currently use for our canteen and other school events. The app is free to download, and your profile is confidential.
Thank you,
Courtney Porter
Acting Assistant Principal
Acting REC News
Lord God,
Your plans for us are peace and joy with you for eternity. Help us to be ready for your coming.
Feast of Christ the King
Yesterday the Church celebrated the Feast of Christ the King, also called the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. The Solemnity of Christ the King is the final Sunday of the liturgical calendar – the last Sunday of Ordinary Time. The season of Advent begins the following Sunday.
Social Justice - Socktober
The Good Shepherd Sisters have been supporting communities in need in Thailand for over 55 years, starting in Bangkok and eventually expanding their work to other provinces including Phuket and Chiang Rai. Thanks to the generosity of our school community yesterday we raised over $190. This will go towards providing nutritious meals and a safe learning environment for children from disadvantaged backgrounds.
As a part of our mission day celebrations, students participated in various tabloid games such as hackey sack, stilt walking races, rice and spoon races and a soccer shoot out.
Students also took time in their classes to design a crazy sock. Congratulations to the following students who were selected for their outstanding designs and effort.
St Vincent De Paul Christmas Appeal
Christmas is a time for hope and joy. This year, as with 2020, we’ve had our fair share of challenges once again, and at times it’s been tough to see the joy. But as we again approach the Christmas season, it’s a reminder to reflect on the good that has happened this year, as well as the hope we can bring to others. We invite you to help to make this Christmas season that little bit brighter for those who are really doing it tough in our community. Over the next 3 weeks we will be collecting non- perishable items that will brighten the Christmas period for some families.
KW- Tea & Coffee
KB- Bags of lollies/ chocolates
1W- Sweet biscuits
1B- Bags of chips
2W- Bon bons
2B- Soft drink
Parish Mass Times
Please note there are no Masses at Cessnock, Kurri or Abermain until the weekend of the 4th and 5th December. Fr James will be on annual leave.
School Photo Day 2021
Just a reminder that school photos will be happening on Tuesday 30th November. Full summer uniform is to be worn. All monies and enquiries are to go straight to Master School Portraits (MSP Photography)
Gymnastics Program
We are in our second week of a Gynmnastics program at our school. Each Wednesday the children participate in a lesson which involves lots of action and fun. The program is an agility, balance and core strength program which the children are thoroughly enjoying! We have partnered with School Sport for the delivery of the lessons by trained gym teachers from Primarily Active.
Its been a huge hit with the children!
World of Magic Show
On Monday November 15th all students entered the world of magic! Magician Joel joined us for a LIVE magic show! which included a live rabbit, audience participation and more fun than you could wave a wand at! The children had so much fun!
Year 2 Magic Show reflections:
The show was terrific! I loved it when the magician got the wand stuck in his nose, it was so funny. He had 2 doves and 1 rabbit. He also had a puppet and the puppet kept opening his mouth. It was hilarious. -Isabelle Mahomet
I liked it when JD didn't mean to stick the wand in his nose and when he made things disappear. I liked the rabbit and the doves. JD told some funny jokes. He said he wasn't funny but he is really funny!-Kade Power
It was the funniest show ever and I was amazed. JD was cool and he did tricks those other magicians don't know. He could also make things into heaps different stuff. He would show us something then magically it became a bird. He was amazing!-Lyla Schoupp
"The show was great and funny because the magician did some cool and funny tricks. My favourite one was when he pulled a bunny out of the box." Sophie
"It was amazing and it was really funny too. You could pat a bunny. He had a lot of tricks and made an origami mouse move and jump. It was really cool and he made a lot of cool origami and you could do some tricks with him." Kaitlin
"My favourite part about the show was when the magician made doves appear and when he made a handkerchief into a mouse and made it alive." Rhyleigh
The Magic Show
Fruit and Vegie Week
Holy Spirit is excited to be participating in Fruit and Veg week next week! During the week students will learn the benefits of healthy eating, interesting facts about their favourite fruit and vegetables and complete a colouring/design competition in their classrooms. We are focusing on getting excited about eating delicious food and are asking your help when preparing your child’s Crunch and Sip this upcoming week. If you are able, try to pack:
Tuesday: A piece of fruit (e.g. apple, banana)
Wednesday: Some vegetables (carrot sticks, capsicum, cucumber)
Thursday: Something they have never tried before or do not often eat (passionfruit, lychee) – Yes, the teachers will be trying new fruits/vegies too!!
We hope this will be fantastic opportunity for our students to try new foods and become more enthusiastic towards heathy eating.
School Fees 2022
For your information the 2022 School Fee Structure is outlined below.
If you have not already sent in your 2022 School Fee Information Form, we encourage you to do so as soon as possible. Paying School Fees is a condition of enrolment at our school. Thank you.
Dates for your Diary
Wednesdays – Work out Wednesday and Sport Day – Gymnastics Lessons Wednesdays in class groups.
Fri 26th November - Year 2 2022 take home nomination forms for School Leadership Team 2022 and letter to parents. A child must have parental consent as they will need to make a speech to the school. Not every child is suited for or interested in the role and that is absolutely ok.
Sun 28th November - 1st Sunday of Advent
Mon 29th November - Nomination forms for School Leadership Team 2022 MUST be returned to Ms Murphy today for consideration. No late returns will be considered.
First Week of Advent - Prayer at assembly.
Tues 30th November - Photo Day Rescheduled. Sibling photos only if children are at Holy Spirit Infants. Summer uniform - girls may wear a navy, white or royal blue hair ties; white socks and black school shoes. Boys please wear grey socks and black shoes as per uniform policy. Thank you for always ensuring the children look so terrific in their uniform.
The final ten nominated Year 1 students for the 2022 School Leadership Team will be notified and their parents will be notified that they are now going to be in the fianl ten candidates. Each child in this group will be asked to write and deliver a speech on Thursday. The speech will be written at school with Mrs Porter on 2nd December.
Wed 1st December - Year 2 Transition to Year 3 Day at Holy Spirit Primary School, Kurri - postponed until 1st February 2022.
Thurs 2nd December - The ten final Year 1 students who have nominated (parent consent), and been elected by Staff Ballot as a candidate for the 2022 Student Leadership Team will write and then present their speech to Year 1 and Kinder under the cola (due to covid restrictions). Parents of these ten students will be notified via a phone call and may attend the speech giving at 12 noon (QR code and social distancing required).
Mon 6th December - Kinder 2022 Transition Day 1 Session 1: 9.30-10.30 and Session 2: 12-1pm New Kinders to attend wearing their Holy Spirit Coloured TShirt please. Parents Stay and Play!
Second Week of Advent - Prayer at assembly.
Mon 6th December 6.30pm - SPECIAL EVENT FOR PARENTS - Speech Therapist Webinar presented by Early Links via Zoom Link for parents - Link will be shared and we hope all interested parents can join in.
Tues 7th December - Christmas Craft - Out of uniform - Christmas Themed clothes (no singlet tops or thongs please and children may wear school hat).
Wed 8th December - Kinder 2022 Transition Day 2 Session 1: 9.30-10.30 and Session 2: 12-1pm. Parents may stay for 15 mins until their child is settled - Play in the classroom.
Wed 8th December 6.30pm - SPECIAL EVENT FOR PARENTS - Occupational Therapist Webinar presented by Early Links via Zoom Link for parents - Link will be shared and we hope all interested parents can join in.
Thurs 9th December - End of Year Liturgy under Cola. Children will be seated in class groups. We have had to make the difficult decision to not invite all parents. This is to mittigate risk - no one wants to be in isolation over Christmas. Only parents of 2022 school leaders will be invited to attend. Thank you for your understanding. Photos will be shared via a special edition of the newsletter.
Fri 10th December - Awards Presentations in Grade Groups under Cola. We have had to make the difficult decision to not invite all parents. This is to mittigate risk - no one wants to be in isolation over Christmas. Only parents of 2021 Award Recipients will be invited to attend at a specific time. Thank you for your understanding. Photos will be shared via a special edition of the newsletter.
10th December - Semester 2 modified reports (due to lockdown) sent home via Compass.
Mon 13th December - Kinder 2022 Transition Day 3 Session 1: 9.30-10.30 and Session 2: 12-1pm.
Third Week of Advent - Prayer at assembly.
Parents may make an appointment for a phone interview about the Semester 2 report.
Mon Night 13th December : STUDENT DISCO - CIRCUS THEME - 5.30-6.30pm Year 1;
6.30-7.30pm Kinder and Year 2. We must keep the children in their separate year groupings and have planned this given siblings are across K & 2.
Staff will be supervising and parents will drop off and collect children - details to come.
Tues 14th December - Fun Day Surprise- Out of Uniform Day and Maccas lunch meal deal.
A very special visitor from the North Pole may call in to school today.
Wed 15th December - Last Day for Students and year 2 games day and 2.15pm Clap Out for Year 2.
Thurs/Fri - 16th/17th December - Pupil Free Day
School Holidays
Staff Return - Pupil Free Days Friday 28th and Monday 30th January.
First Day school Year 1 and 2 - Tuesday 1st February 8.55-2.55pm
First Days of school Kindergarten - Thursday 3rd February 9.30-1.30pm; Friday 4th February 9.30-1.30pm; Mon 7th Feb- Wed 9th Feb 9.30- 2pm; Thurs 10th Feb -Fri 11th Feb 8.55am to 2pm;
From Monday 14th Feb - Full Days 8.55-2.55pm.
At our school opening mass in February, leader badges for the 2022 School Leadership Team will be blessed and presented.
Glasses Found
These small glasses have been found. If they are yours, you can collect them from the office.