21st October 2021
Principals News
Dear Parents and Carers,
What a terrific week we are having at Holy Spirit Infants. Our Kinder and Year 1 classrooms are filled with joy, an eagerness to learn and a real sense of connection with teachers, staff and of course, friends they’ve not seen for some time. We have some Year 2 students attending each day and they too are happy to be back at school, a place they really love to be.
This week is all about settling back into a school day routine, to re-establishing our school and class agreements and to responding positively to each and every student. Our students are learning once again to eat their lunch before their snacks; to listen to their teachers; to express their needs; to negotiate turn taking and cooperation and they are managing this all through play and creative responses. In this newsletter you will find some examples of our school’s approach to Wellbeing which has been an excellent strategy and one we will continue this term.
As teachers we are so appreciative of all that parents and carers have managed to do to assist their child’s learning. The children are enjoying proudly demonstrating their learning and their desire to continue to learn! The experiences across the past days have led me to think about being grateful and that naturally led me to think about sharing our gratitude, through prayer.
In ways large and small, parents seek what is best for their children. This desire is expressed in a variety of practical ways every day; such as preparing healthy foods, ensuring adequate opportunity for sleep, teaching good manners, and sharing enriching activities as a family. Incorporating prayers of blessing and gratitude into your family’s daily routine is another way to express this desire for the very best for your children. When we pray for God’s blessing, we acknowledge that God is the source of all that is good. In prayer, we ask God to bless us, to bless others, and to bless our activities. We do so with confidence and trust in God, who also seeks what is best for each of us. To pray in blessing for our children is to join our desires for them with God’s own desire for them.
Mealtime Blessings
The importance of gathering for family meals cannot be overstated. Not only are meals important for providing daily nourishment, but they are also occasions for strengthening our spirits by connecting with the people who are most central to our lives.
Meals are natural occasions for prayers of blessing. We pray in thanks to God for his goodness to us. We ask God to bless our food and make our lives a blessing to others. Pray together a simple Grace before a meal. It’s also an opportunity to ask family members to name the good things that God has shared with them throughout the day and to pray together in thanksgiving. It may be as simple as making the sign of the cross, holding hands and Thanking God for the meal and for the person who has prepared it. Each class has a prayer they say before lunch, please encourage them to share this with your family and they lead the prayer of thanks or blessing.
Bedtime Blessings
As part of bedtime prayers, invite your child to name the people he or she would like to pray for. This can take the form of a simple litany, praying, “God bless . . .” as your child names family and friends. As your child grows older, you might offer a simple prayer intention for each person as you pray. For example, if a sibling is sick, you might ask for God’s healing presence, praying, “God bless [name] and help her [him] feel better soon.” Later, you might suggest that your child offer the prayer intention. Conclude by praying your own prayer of blessing for your child.
We do live very busy lives, however saying a prayer together at meal time and/or at bedtime can easily become a practice that your child really loves. Perhaps you prayed as a child with your family. Prayer is a very special part of developing our relationship with God. Why not give it a try.
Staffing Update for 2022:
Please join with me in congratulating some of our teaching staff who, following interviews have been successful in being the preferred applicant and thereby securing new positions for 2022. Each teacher is a blessing to our school!
Congratulations to:
Mrs Heather Porter-Kay who was the preferred applicant for the fulltime permanent teacher at Holy Spirit Infants School. Heather has been in a temporary role for the past two years at our school teaching 1W and we are excited to welcome her as a permanent member of our teaching staff. Her passion for excellence in teaching and encouraging her students to achieve highly, is evident in all she does.
Mr Brodie Flynn who was the preferred applicant for the temporary teaching position at our school for 2022. Brodie comes to us from St Mary of the Angels Catholic School in Guyra (Armidale) and we are excited to welcome Brodie to our school next year. He is keen to teach in our Infants setting and is a young and enthusiastic teacher.
Congratulations and our best wishes to:
Mrs Courtney Porter is an excellent and dedicated teacher whose bright and bubbly personality is a gift to us all. Following Merit Selection processes, Courtney has been appointed as the new Assistant Principal at St Joseph’s Primary School Kilaben Bay from the beginning of 2022. This is a very exciting career opportunity for Courtney, and we wish her every success as she embraces her new leadership role in another school. Courtney’s genuine warmth, enthusiasm for teaching and her positive relationships with students (past and present), parents and staff, means she will be greatly missed by us all. Congratulations Courtney!
A reminder that Mrs Rebecca Cook has been appointed as the Primary Coordinator at Our Lady of Lourdes Tarro for 2022 and we shared this exciting news about Rebecca’s new leadership role last term. We wish her every success in her new school. Congratulations Rebecca!
Ms Verity De Lyall has been successful in her recent interview and will start in a new role as a fulltime classroom teacher at St Joseph’s Dungog in 2022. Verity has held various roles at Holy Spirit Infants in recent years and we are excited for her news that she will have her own class next year, something she is looking forward to.
Ms Kristen Orrett who joined our team this year as a graduate teacher is going to start a new teaching role at Our Lady of Lourdes at Tarro in 2022. Kristen has enjoyed her time at Holy Spirit and has taught across both our Kinder classes this year with youthful energy and enthusiasm.
Parents and Carers at this time where we are trying to keep the children settled, the above news about teachers leaving next year may be unsettling for them and I ask you to consider this before sharing this adult news with your child. My purpose in sharing the news with our parent community now, is to keep you informed and aware of the changes. The current Public Health Orders mean coming together as a school is not currently permitted…but we will find a way to say thank you and farewell our teachers who are leaving our beautiful school. If parents have any good ideas to share -please let Diane know.
Building Works:
Our staffroom and admin offices have now relocated to the rear of the hall and we are managing in our temporary space. The building fence will go up next Tuesday around the current administration block. We will create a compound where the tradies will enter and exit via the side gate adjacent to the Church.
This week we have been guiding the children to where the new office is located and they have managed very well. We are now using the double gates as our main gate and St Nic’s OOSH are also asking parents to drop off and collect students from there as well.
Public Health Orders:
With the return of students schools in Kinder, Year 1 and Year 12 across the diocese, there has already been an increase in the number of COVID cases and the various levels of contact with COVID across various LGAs. Our school has been given clear guidelines with regards to Close Contacts and Casual Contacts of Covid19 from Health NSW today. Schools need to be prepared for the event of a COVID19 positive case occurring. If parents have any questions, please contact me at school. The Frequently asked questions letter from our Director Gerard Mowbray also contains many important information that may be useful. This was shared last week. Our school had a COVID SAFETY PLAN check on Monday and we continue to follow the Health Advice of NSW Health and Catholic Schools NSW. We are doing all we can to keep our students and staff safe. Parents can assist by ensuring you are 1.5m away from one another at Church St pick up each afternoon and where possible, to wear a mask. Thank you.
A reminder to please keep your child at home if they are sick. We no longer have a designated sick bay separate from the office space and therefore any child who is sick will need to be collected promptly to ensure the good health of our school population. Thank you for your understanding and support.
Parents under current Public Health Orders external providers such as Speech Therapists or Occupational Therapists are unable to be on site at school. Parents are encouraged to make alternative arrangements for therapists to support your child out of school time. If these orders change we will notify parents/carers via Compass. Our secondary issue is available space during the refurbishment.
Next week we welcome back all of Year 2 to face to face teaching. We are really looking forward to seeing all of the children back at school. Mrs Kreutzer will be teaching 2B next week.
Parents who are wanting to keep their children at home for various reasons rather than return to school are asked to please contact me at school (phone or email) as soon as possible so that every child is accounted for. It’s important as Principal that I have contact with families who want to take a different approach at the moment and that we can have a conversation and determine ways we may be able to support families with this difficult decision. Thank you.
Our school is again “alive” with happy children and staff once more,
Peace and Blessings,
Diane Murphy, Principal.
Tell Them From Me Survey
Closing date extended
So far we have had approximately 13% of parents and carers respond to the Tell Them From Me Survey. That means there are many parents who haven’t yet logged in. The survey only takes a few minutes of your time and your feedback is very valuable as we use it to help shape our next School Improvement Plan. Please share your feedback so we can continue to grow and improve. Thank you
Add the link from Tell Them From Me Survey -sent via compass on 7th October.
Dates for your Diary
Wednesdays – Sport Day – Gymnastics will start when Public Health Orders allow an external provider to come to our school.
25th Year 2 students return to face to face teaching
28th October Socktober -wear crazy socks and a gold coin donation to Catholic Missions
1st November – All Saints Day Prayer
2nd November – All Souls Day.
8th November - Photo Day Rescheduled. Sibling photos only if children are at the same school.
11th November – Remembrance Day Prayer
18th November - Musica Viva Incursion: Music in my Suitcase
Acting REC News
Dear God,
Come be with us today.
Fill our hearts with joy.
Fill our minds with learning.
Fill our lessons with fun.
Fill our friendships with kindness.
Fill our school with love.
World Mission Sunday
This Sunday is World Mission Sunday, it is celebrated in every Catholic community in the world. Parish communities around the world will gather to pray for and raise funds to support the work of thousands of crucial church‑run programs and express solidarity for those who are living in situations of poverty, violence and oppression.
The theme of this year’s World Mission Day – “We cannot but speak about what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20), is a summons to each of us to “own” and to bring to others what we bear in our hearts. This mission has always been the hallmark of the Church, for “she exists to evangelize”.
Social Justice- Socktober
A reminder, students are asked to wear their crazy socks to school on Thursday 28th October and bring a gold coin donation to raise money for Catholic Missions. On Thursday we will also be hosting tabloid events that will aim to help the students understand what life may be like in Thailand.
Catholic Mission encourages students to participate in Socktober to make a difference to vulnerable children around the world.
Parish Mass Times
Please note that Churches are now open.
Saturday, 23 October
8:30 am Scripture Rosary Cessnock
9:00 am Mass Cessnock
9:30 am Reconciliation
Saturday, 23 October
5:10 pm Scripture Rosary Cessnock
6:00 pm Vigil Mass Cessnock
Sunday, 24 October
7:40 am Scripture Rosary Kurri Kurri
8:30 am Mass Kurri Kurri
9:40 am Scripture Rosary Cessnock
10:30 am Mass Cessnock
4:30 pm Mass Abermain
Take care,
Meagan Edwards.
"Transition to School - Successful Foundations - Established Cohorts"
New Kinder 2022 families are encouraged to click on the link below. It is a short video for Kindergarten parents 2022 about transition to school and Successful Foundations.
Abermain Bus Pick Up at Kurri Kurri
As you would be aware all classes return to school next week. Schools have been directed to group students in cohorts and limit the movement and interaction of different student groups.
I ask for your co-operation when collecting your child from Holy Spirit Primary School. There is often a full bus load of students alighting from the Abermain bus which poses a congestion problem for us.
As in the past the Infants students will be escorted through the small gate near the flagpole back again to the main gate for pick up. This is to keep students away from the bus and prevent them from running to whoever is collecting them.
This process may need to be modified depending on how it flows, and I would appreciate your understanding as we deal with maintaining COVID protocols and keeping students safe.
Yours sincerely
Paul O’Heir, Principal, Holy Spirit Primary School, Kurri Kurri
Welcome Back Kindergarten!
We are extremely proud of how resilient and positive our Kindergarten children have returned to school. Everyone is excited to be back, and we can’t stop smiling! The playground is once again alive with the sounds of children laughing and sharing stories.
Our school is reconnecting through a culture of CARE, putting other things aside to prioritise wellbeing, safety and security, relationships, and connection. As a community we have an imperative to listen intently to children, learning more about their worlds. This is a time of restoration and response, through the gentle gifts of nature, space, and grace!
We are valuing this time as an opportunity to PLAY! Successful Foundations taught us that when children are building connections and establishing relationships that Play is crucial for a child's development, learning and well-being.
The children have been reflecting on their experiences of home learning and the return to school through drawing s and conversations. Below are some of their responses.
Anna- I loved home learning because I could be with my brother.
Chaz- Lockdown was good because I got to see my friends on zoom. My mum was a good teacher.
Julius- I played inside a lot and got to stay in my pyjamas!
Emma- Today I feel happy.
Kensie- I am happy at school because I can see my friends.
Jacob- I like learning at school.
Courtney, Meagan & Kristen
Kindergarten's First Week Back
Welcome Back Year 1
Year 1 have settled in beautifully, happy to be with their friends, working hard in all areas of their learning and super excited to do the daily 5. We also have been delighted to have them back.
1 White
School Photos 8th November
Master School Portraits (MSP) will be onsite on Monday 8th November for school photos. Please mark this date on your calendar. Parents will have already placed their order with MSP prior to the lockdown.
Library News
Just a reminder that library borrowing resumes on Friday for K and Yr 1 and Yr 2 will continue to borrow on a Thursday. All library books and home readers need to be returned as soon as possible.
Community News
Cessnock and Kurri Kurri libraries are now open for business again, and they would love to see families coming in and borrowing again! No afterschool programming at the moment, but hopefully our Lego group can return on December 1st.
One of the things they have been working on while the library has been closed is a series of simple science activities. Here's the link to the latest one, which explores the stickiness of water molecules: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIpOCbtzs9I&list=PLG61O4zd5djviZOPNopGWfNSu0g4DU1NN.