29th July 2021
Principal News
"Have courage no matter what your crosses are" St Mary of the Cross MacKillop 1890
Dear Parents and Carers,
The phrase above, a quote from St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, has its origins in the Gospels, the account of Jesus' ministry in the New Testament of the Bible. It is a reference to what is called the 'Passion of Christ', in other words, His ordeal, in the events leading up to His crucifixion and death. As part of that, he had to carry his cross through the streets of Jerusalem and up the hill of Golgotha. The heavy beam must have (figuratively) weighed a ton, all this in front of a largely mocking crowd after being flogged. He fell a couple of times along the way. It was serious torture before a extremely painful death. As God's only Son, Jesus accepted this great burden and the words of St Mary above remind us to also have courage, no matter what our "crosses" may be.
The ordeals in life that all of us have to face, some trivial and some almost seemingly beyond endurance are "crosses" we have to bear, just as Jesus willingly took up and carried his cross in His horrible ordeal. In many contexts, the phrase 'we all have our crosses to bear' means that we all have our ordeals, big and small, as we navigate our way through life. Jesus took on a particularly unpleasant one and faced it, accomplishing his appointed purpose. Like Him, we have to see ours through. At this challenging time with a raging world wide pandemic, affecting each of us - how we love, how we live, how we work, how we connect, how we see the future...St Mary's words are focused on digging deep to find our courage! Courage to do whatever we need to do to keep ourselves, our loved ones and each other safe!
Mary MacKillop Feast day 8th August
As a Catholic school established by the Sisters of St Joseph, we have links to St Mary of the Cross MacKillop and next week we will celebrate her feast day with a liturgy via Zoom across our classrooms and some special activities to learn more about the incredible work this Australian born and faith filled woman undertook to educate the poor across many states in our country. Due to current Health orders parents are unable to attend.
Grandparents Day
On Friday our students will be bringing home a token to give to their grandparents if they are able to. We were sad to have to cancel our planned celebrations and open day once again! We are very aware that for many families, they may have Grandparents in lockdown; in another State or even overseas and are unable to give them a hug, so we hope that you will be able to find some way of sharing what your child has created with their grandparents either via Zoom or Whats App perhaps. We have prayed for all Grandparents today and we thank God for the blessings they bring to many families' lives.
Dance Lessons
Our students have been really enjoying their dance lessons with our expert dance instructor Montana Doyle each Tuesday. This is in preparation for our planned showcase event on 22nd October where we hope to entertain all our families with dance, drama and song! Save the date!
Covid Protocols currently in place
The NSW Premier has announced the current lockdown for Greater Sydney has been extended until the end of August and as such we are still advised by NSW Health to ensure parents are not mixing on school sites and need to stay outside school grounds please. Thank you for wearing a mask at pick up and drop off time - our staff very much appreciate your efforts.
We are having some difficulties with students arriving late to school however and given we need to lock the front gate- some parents accidentally wander in otherwise- it does put a strain on our Admin staff - namely Dot and Lesley. Parents and Grandparents can really help us by having children arrive at school at the front gate or via Kiss and Ride by 8.55am please. Otherwise Dot or myself spend the first 30 minutes of the day going to and fro to the front gate...and that's not sustainable as we have phones ringing or students/staff who need our support with issues that arise. Whilst we do understand that at times things happen in families to make drop offs late...for some families this is most days and we would really appreciate it if you could try to be on time.
Our other issue is that if the gate is not locked, students are dropped off and they walk straight to class however if this is after the roll has been taken, you will receive an alert from the App stating your child is not at school. This can cause unnecessary confusion and is avoidable if the child who is late presents to Dot/Lesley in the office first. Thank you for your support with this.
Kinder Enrolment Interviews
These are well underway and we have asked that only one parent please attend and wear a mask. Social distancing and hand sanitising practices are also in place. Once interviews are completed we plan to notify families of an offer of acceptance/non acceptance in late August with dates for Transition visits outlined then.
Parent Engagement Model Meeting via Zoom
Save the date - 10th August at 6.30pm we will meet via Zoom for our first Parent Engagement Model Meeting. You can join in from the comfort of your lounge room to share your ideas with myself and Paul O'Heir (principal at Kurri). As it's our first meeting we are calling for agenda items which parents/carers may like to bring forward for discussion. Please email the school using the admin email if you have anything you'd like to bring up for discussion. Invitation with Zoom link and password will be shared via Compass App closer to the date. We hope you can join us.
Have a great fortnight ahead!
Take good care,
Diane Murphy
Parenting Ideas:
5 words to avoid if you want your kids to co-operate - Parenting Ideas Michael Grose, founder of Parenting Ideas, is one of Australia’s leading parenting educators. He’s an award-winning speaker and the author of 12 books for parents including Spoonfed Generation, and the bestselling Why First Borns Rule the World and Last Borns Want to Change It.Michael is a former teacher with 15 years experience, and has 30 years experience in parenting education. |
Acting Assistant Principal News
Welcome to Week 3!
This term we continue to promote home reading. Each week your child will bring home a reader in their note folder. This reader should be returned to school on their nominated day of the week. All children are expected to read every night at home and complete the record of reading checklist.
The following points may be helpful when reading with your child:
The 3 Ps: Pause, Prompt and Praise
Give your child time to think of a suitable word
Provide suggestions on where to find help
- Does the picture help?
- What would make sense?
- What does it look like?
- What does it start with?
- Any efforts and attempts made
- Offer encouragement to try again
- Always be positive
Modelling reading is very important. Whenever possible, read and discuss books with your child. If your child is reluctant to read, share the reading, take it in turns to read a page. Remember reading should be enjoyable.
If you have any questions about home reading, please contact your child’s teacher.
This term, all classes have a focus on developing speaking and listening skills in preparation for our Public Speaking Competition in Week 8. Speaking and listening is a critical component of the English Syllabus. Listening opportunities allow students to demonstrate developing active listening skills as they respond to a widening variety of texts and instructions. Speaking opportunities allow students to ask relevant questions while speaking clearly and purposefully with small groups, a partner and class. Interacting opportunities allow students to communicate effectively, using familiar and learned vocabulary. Students interact appropriately, learning to adjust tenor for the audience.
Public Speaking is a great opportunity for students to develop their confidence and speech writing and presentation skills.
There are many ways that you can help prepare your child for this at home including:
Encouraging them to use eye contact and stand still when they are speaking
Recording themselves for fun on familiar topics
Fill every day with listening, chatter and discovery
Practice writing speeches using palm cards and drawing pictures for reminders
To develop a culture of ongoing compliance, all schools in our Diocese will be involved in a Curriculum Focus Day (CFD) annually. Our school will be having our CFD this term.
The purpose of the CFD is:
To model an approach to curriculum review that can be adopted within a school’s context.
To provide a high quality learning environment for classroom teachers that develops an improved understanding of regulatory requirements with regard to curriculum.
To provide a learning environment for classroom teachers that promotes professional learning through the sharing of approaches to curriculum and a variety of pedagogical practices.
To enhance and promote the high standards and expectations across the Diocese.
We look forward to this process and engaging with Catholic School Education Officers to support our school.
Supporting the wellbeing of children is an important part of what students, families and schools do every day. It is especially important to ensure that children’s wellbeing is looked after in times of uncertainty and stress. Supporting wellbeing not only helps children and young people to feel happier and less anxious, it will also help them to have positive interactions with each other and their teachers.
In Week 6 this term our school will continue with the practice of wellbeing week. It is a week where we encourage each other, our students, and their families to look after their mental health. On Friday August 20th, we invite students to come to school in their pyjamas and enjoy a hot chocolate and cookie on us! There will be no readers this week, we encourage you to read as a family for fun, to go for a walk, to pray, to breathe, to create and to enjoy. Do something for yourself! You deserve it! A reminder about our Pyjama Day will be sent out on Compass closer to the day.
Our PBL for Week 3 is ‘I do my best’ All classes had a lesson on what this means in the classroom, on the bus, on the playground and in the canteen. Doing our best contributes to becoming a respectful learner. We encourage all students all the time to do their best.
Our PBL for week 4 is ‘I wear my uniform with pride’ This focus contributes to becoming a responsible learner. A reminder for all students to wear a jumper or jacket to school and label all belongings.
Our school needs a PBL mascot! Last week we held a school competition for students to draw, design and name our mascot. We were very excited by the students designs and creations and look forward to choosing a mascot that reflects our school community.
Acting REC News
Lord God almighty, bless our grandparents with long life, happiness, and health. May they remain constant in your love and be living signs of your presence to their children and grandchildren. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Today we celebrate the gift of grandparents on the Feast of Saints Anne and Joachim who were Jesus’ grandparents. Grandparents are very special people. They can bring much joy into the lives their families and especially the lives of their grandchildren. Their life experiences have taught grandparents many valuable lessons that they can share with the young. Grandparents can bring a real sense of history to a family as they share many family stories. They can give the rest of the family a sense of belonging. Our grandparents have a special place in our families, our society and our world.
Next Thursday we will celebrate Mary Mackillop via a school zoom liturgy, this is an opportunity for our students to engage in prayer whilst still following COVID guidelines. Mary of The Cross Mackillop is Australia’s first saint. She was a person of action who, when she saw a need, did something about it. With faith and trust in God, Mary offered education, opportunity and love to the poor.
During weeks 1-5 in Religion lessons Kindergarten are learning about Loving God and Others. Students in Year 1 are exploring Ways of Praying and Year 2 are learning about The Church’s Liturgical Year. As we continue on our Clarity journey with learning intentions and success criteria now embedded into Religion lessons, I am hopeful your children will be able to articulate what they are learning and why. Please take the time to speak with your children about what they are learning and wondering.
This weekend the Sacramental Program begins for students in Year 3 or above. The Sacramental Program in our Parish is Parish based. You the parents are the prime educators in all aspects of your children's lives. The role of a Sacramental Team is to work with you and your child offering support, guidance and the tools to help your child to continue their faith journey.
Sessions will run over the next four weeks.
For further information please contact the Parish Office . Ph 49901551
Our Fruit of the Spirit for the next fortnight is patience. Patience means waiting nicely without complaining. God wants us to be patient with others and ourselves.
Take care,
Meagan Edwards
100 Days (and more) of Kindergarten
Last week, our beautiful Kindergarten Students celebrated their 100th day of kindergarten! They all looked amazing and really enjoyed dressing up as 100 year olds! The classes spent the day participating in activities that focused on the number 100, including building with 100 cups and blowing 100 bubbles! We photoshopped their images to create portraits of each child to show them what they would look when they are 100 years old, and they wrote about what they think they will be doing when they are 100.
Hudson- ‘I will be cuddling my grandson’
Sarah- ‘I will sit on the lounge’
Evelyn-‘ When I am 100 I will sip a cup of tea’
Sophia- ‘When I am 100 I will look after my Grandchildren’
The students celebrated in the final session of the day with a class party which included lots of food and dancing. We danced for 100 minutes and popped 100 balloons. Thank you to the parents for their generous contributions to the party! It was a fantastic day that all the students enjoyed! Congratulations again to all the kindergarten students on this special milestone!
Courtney, Meagan and Kristen